2013 – October

Home Sweet Home

1 House

Monica’s Room

2 Monica Room

Kenneth’s Room

3 Kenneth Room

Our Neighbour (1 meter Alligator)

4 Gator

Sunset, View from our Stoep (veranda)

5 Sunset view

Visiting Disney Princess

6 Disney Castle

Goofy – Disney

6 Disney Goofy

Kenneth Driving – Disney

7 Disney K Driving

Crazy Hair Day at School

8 Crazy hair day

The Technology Scarecrow that we helped build for the Harvest Festival9 Technology Scarecrow

Fall Festivel

9 Fall Fest Barn

9 Fall Fest Corn

8 thoughts on “2013 – October”

  1. dit lyk lekker “fun”. geniet elke oomblik daarvan. ons as kinders het ook die ervaring gehad toe my pa by Illinois universiteit moes werk. herinneringe vir oud en jonk – florida en Chicago en illinois!!!

  2. Wonderful news and happy for you that you are now in your house and can settle down. The children seem to have made themselves at home. You are very brave to have gone into the unknown and sorted yourselves out but knowing that God’s hand is in everything and He is our provider. Thank you for all the pictures, you have seen more than I every will and going to Disney Land, what an experience. Fortunately the children can appreciate it at their age. Hope school is going well.

    We celebrated our Golden Wedding anniversary on the 12th October with a midday dinner and 50 guests. It was an occasion never to be forgotten. Warren, my son, transferred our original wedding cine onto a DVD and added other photo’s to make it a memorable occasion. Ofcourse, without my two brothers from Pretoria, it would not have been the same and Lynell and family, joined us on Skype and they wished us. I know her heart was here and she thought we could celebrate in December when they come, but we will be away for two weeks having met them in Durban and visiting there for 2 weeks, then with only one week in Bfn. So I wouldn’t have had the time to organize anything and people also go away for Christmas. Besides, it was on the day , the Saturday. We received so many flowers for gifts, my lounge still looks like a florist. Most of the folk attending we know for years, even though we haven’t seen them for a long time, hence us feeling honoured that they attended this function. We could use the hall here at Aliquando without cost. So all good things come to an end and we are still busy settling in, still battling to hang curtains up. Edwin says he is taking his time in doing things as when all is done, what will he do with himself. Our garden needs attention – we are grateful for the shower of rain we had this week.
    Congratulations on your new home, may the Lord bless and keep you.
    Love Illona

  3. I’m so glad that you can settle down now in your own home. Since Saturday afternoon we’ve been having real George weather and plenty of rain until Tuesday. It was as if winter started again after all the lovely warm sunny days like summer time!! Enjoy your home sweet home!

    With love,

  4. Hi Stefan and Marie,
    I read your poem Marie. It is so beautiful and touching. Am so happy that all is working out so well for you. It is really evident by the lovely photo’s of your children. I really would like to meet you and am looking forward to the day.
    Much love,

  5. Loved looking at your pictures. Your home looks fabulous and the kids rooms look lovely and they are both looking so well, pretty and handsome! Lots of love and lovely to hear from you all. Oodles of love ant and Nola xxxxxx

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