Filling the Car
Fun day on the St. Johns River
Space Shuttle Atlantis – Kennedy Space Centre
Meeting a Spaceman – Kennedy Space Centre
Digital Giving – at a Church in Orlando
Torry Pine Cliff’s – San Diego
New ChoresIN GOD WE TRUST – Our number plate
Your emails are always such a treat. This one, reading Marie’s comment about taking the opportunity to pray whilst waiting in queues moved me. Bless you. Praying that the mortgage gets sorted and that you can move in later this month. What a blessing that will be, to be able to settle and make the home a warm place of worship. Much love. XXX
Thank you John – we are looking forward to that too!
Ag julle foto kies sit sommer ‘n traan in my oe. Wow, so trots op julle elkeen! Mis julle sommer baie!
Hallo Julle!
Ja-nee, ek kan dink dat dinge in Amerika bietjie anders werk as in SA! Dit lyk darem of julle julle-self geniet het die maand daar!. Baie bly Stefan is ‘n trotse SA-ner daar met sy Springbok hemp :-). Mal oor julle nommerplaat, dis so ‘n duidelike getuienis van hoe God vir julle voorsien het, en julle volgehoue vertroue in Hom. Baie sterkte vir julle werk daar, glo en weet dat julle krag en genade sal kry om elke dag voluit te gaan vir Jesus!
Ja dankie Roulé!
Die nommerplaat kies was nogal ‘n storie want hulle gee jou keuses wat jy onderaan jou nommer kan sit. Toe ek die “In God we trust” sien het ek geweet dit is die regte een, want net om tot op daardie punt te kom om die nommerplaat te koop was ‘n oefening in geloof :)!
So good to hear from you and thank you for the pictures which do show that you have had some fun. And the children seem to be eating well! I recognize the pizza pan which I also used to-day to make pizza. A nice way to keep the children busy to make up their own. It must be quite a change for them at school, think of them often. The school curriculum to-day is so different from what our kids learnt, History, Geography, Hygiene, Nature Study all different names now. But they are young and will soon get used to it. Can see how they have grown. Will think of you while Stephen is away and you do have the right numberplate, In God do we trust, for that is all we can do – . I trusted God for the right place to move to, and when I am full of complaints at not finding things and lack of space etc. I only realise that it is all for the best for He only gives us what is good for us. So in time, we will get used to this house, Edwin has given it the name of “Long Drop”. It is very hot here to-day, but I don’t trust the sudden heat, however summer is on it’s way with Spring flowers in bloom . Having our August winds which just brings dust. We celebrate our Golden wedding (50 years) on 12 October and planning a midday dinner , hiring the hall here at Aliquando and must get some invitations out. Did I send you our postal address. 45 Aliquando, Dok Beyers Street, Heuwelsig, Bloemfontein 9301.
Lots of love to you all
dis so lekker om te sien hoe vinnig julle aanpas. Wys jou net as jy binne die wil van die Here is werk alles mooi uit.
I love receiving your emails. Such a encouragment. Glad to see you all well and settling in your new home town. How is your new role at CCC. How are the kids settling at the new school. Love your picture at the gas station. Classic. We can see God faithfulness in everthing you have managed to do this past month. Trusting God you will have your keys to your new place shortly.
Ek hoor vanoggend julle benoudheid oor julle huis en kan maar net sê: Wonderwerke gebeur vir die wat glo!
Ons gebede vlieg oor die afstand en ons is met julle in die Gees.