May 2017 India and Canada

Stefan in India

Pre-packaged Communion

Organic mangoes – nIce, VERY nice and cheap

A highlight! Cricket being played in the neighbourhood.

Kitted up for the IPL (Indian Premier League). I think I’m cut out for this role.

Marie in Canada (Vancouver)

Meet Mountie the bear.

Living in swampland (Florida) means we appreciate mountains, and in this case, snow capped. Vancouver was absolutely beautiful!

A highlight – seeing seaplanes take off and land for the first time. Here is their airport.

The Capilano Suspension Bridge. It is 70 m above the Capilano river.

I enjoyed the 137 m walk over the  bridge.

I had the privilege to hang out with this fun bunch of co-workers from all across the world!

Not a warning I have seen before.

Spring was in the air and the flowers were spectacular everywhere we walked.