New House Photos

The House

The House

Entrance Hall

Entrance Hall

Lounge Dinning room

Lounge and Dinning Room

Kitchen 1

Kitchen and Kenneth

Kitchen 2

Kitchen, Kenneth & Monica

Kitchen 3

Kitchen to Lounge

Main Bathroom

Main Bathroom




Us and the view




20 thoughts on “New House Photos”

  1. What no electric fence / razor wire / ADT Armed Response sign!!!!
    This looks great – we’ll keep you in prayer for the Mortgage ‘red tape’ etc.
    God Bless

    1. Hi Lin, I’m sure it will take some getting used to, but I believe we will get it right in the end. Stefan

  2. Lovely to see your new home. So nice to have everything brand new. Easy to clean and maintain! Enjoy it.


  3. We thank God for what He is doing in your lives. The One has called you will finish what He has started.

  4. Awesome! May you have much joy and peace in your new home. Its amazing how quickly everything seems to have fallen in place:-) Praise God!

  5. Looks like a great home in a nice spot! We’re so happy for you and look forward to being back soon and have you as neighbors. Now I just hope you can pass your driver’s license test!

  6. Lovely house, blessed that trust in him shall receive the blessing of Jesus Christ. And these are the blessings.

  7. Baie geluk! Ons kry weereens die bevestiging van God se groot genade in julle en ons lewens. Geniet dit!

  8. Your house is lovely and new! Thank you for sending me pictures to see what it is like. Am sure you are going to be happy living there and trust you will come right with the mortgage. Will continue to bear you up in prayer whilst you are getting organized in your new world. We are still trying to get used to the smaller house. Love Illona

  9. Just to say that i am blessed to be alive! An SUV travelling at tremendous speed & somersaulted twice landing 70 metres from me, wrote off my little Honda Jazz on Sat. 10 Aug. – 2 dys before my b/day! My doggie was more traumatised than I was but hv already found another 2nd-hand Jazz very cheaply – God is faithful & keeps His promises. Best wishes for all yr endeavours – thoughts and prayers. Carol keep.

  10. Dear Dell friends! Looks like a very special home, one in which you can enjoy each other, relax, but which you can also use to reach and bless others with your gifts!
    We pray for many blessings that you cannot now even imagine! I love Kenneth’s kitchen! Much love

  11. hallo! ons is so bly dat julle begin insettle en dat julle so gelukkig lyk daar anderkant! Ons bid steeds elke dag vir julle! Groete Willemien en die ander Oliviers!

  12. Hi Stephan & Marie,
    So glad you’ve made it this far… There is such a confusing labyrinth of laws that make it very difficult to get anything done the first time! How did the Driver’s Exam go? We commonly forget the proper method of payment & have to return a second time. I remember thinking “Drive on the right, drive on the right…” Stressful, I know. Let us know how school goes too. It gave me a great appreciation of the One who endured a culture shock like no other–from Heaven to a manger! May you grow to know Him better through this all.

    1. The driver’s exam went very well Jan – we got everything right the first time & was very happy about that because we had to drive 130 km for the test because that was the earliest appointment we could get.
      Thanks for reminding us about Jesus’culture shock – that is good to focus on that!

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