10 Things You Might Not Know

20160519_065551Here are 10 things you might not know:

  1. Our ministry is now on over 5,000 campuses worldwide.
  2. At our head office, there’s a wall dedicated to staff members who lost their lives sharing the gospel.
  3. Every year we renew our missionary vows which read in part: “I affirm that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and willingly submit to the authority of God’s Word; By the power of the Holy Spirit, I commit to living a life of repentance and faith; I commit my time, talent, gifts, and resources to help fulfill the Great Commission for the glory of God.”
  4. Our President, Steve Douglass, is a graduate of Harvard Business School. He directs any honorariums and royalties from his many books to the ministry. And like us, he raises his own support.
  5. We serve alongside 17,500 staff in 190 countries.
  6. Every year our staff worldwide dedicate the last Tuesday in April and the first Tuesday in October to prayer.
  7. This is our 22nd year with the ministry.
  8. In September the ministry will be 65 year old.
  9. Our ministry partners with more than 1,500 denominations and missionary organizations around the world to spread the gospel.
  10. The Jesus film has been translated into over 1,400 languages. It holds the world record for the most viewed and most translated film in history.

This month Marie traveled to Minneapolis to attend a workshop to help her with creating content for some of our global websites. You can see a few photos taken in the beautiful “Twin City” here.

Thank you for partnering with us as we work towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission.