21 Years!


We are safely back in Orlando after a wonderful visit in South Africa and have nearly acclimatised.

This year we celebrate 21 years as full-time missionaries. It has been 21 amazing years and we are so grateful that you have journeyed with us. As we look back to serving in Cape Town, Durban, the South African National Office, the Southern and Eastern Africa Area Office and now the Global Head Office, here are a few lessons we keep learning:

  1. Our partners – those who pray, give, encourage, work alongside, provide tools or resources have become dear friends. We are rich in relationships.
  2. We plant gospel seeds, but only God can draw people to Himself and cause growth.
  3. In our pain and disappointments God teaches us about Himself and ourselves.
  4. Leadership is hard, but a privilege.
  5. People disappoint people, but forgiveness is a gift we received from God and each other that we can also pass on to others.
  6. Different cultures add a richness to life, and doing things differently is not wrong, just different. South Africans with their many cross-cultural experiences, make wonderful missionaries.
  7. God is at work all around the world, even in the darkest, unreached areas. And He allows us to take part in some of it.

Thank you for your partnership with us as we look forward to the next 21 years!

P.S. Stefan is traveling to New Zealand on Thursday to join our Global Operations leaders from the different areas for their annual collaboration time. Your prayers would be appreciated!

Pic’s From The Past






7 thoughts on “21 Years!”

  1. Wow, kan julle glo, 21 jr!!! Voel soos gister wat ons nog op Kovsies was….
    Stunning foto’s van julle!!! Mis sommer net v Peter vdag …. Sy plekkie so leeg ts julle!!!
    In d week toe ek draf rig God my oë op die herfsblare wat val, die oues, die groenes, die ‘middeljariges’, maar ook ts hulle lê d mooiste klein blaartjies.., my hart ruk en skeur, en ek dink aan julle en die ander in my lewe wat sulke ‘groen, jong blaartjies’ moes opgee… Vir ‘geen rede’ behalwe dat die seisoen gedraai het… En d Heilige Gees wys my, dis net hoe d lewe is… A.g.v die seisoen ‘val’ ons soms ‘immatuur’ vd boom, maar ons word ‘kompos’… En d vraag is: waste kompos laat jy na?
    … Sommer net n gedagte… Dit was so stunning boodskappie v my…
    Seen v julle!!!

    1. Baie dankie Yolande vir die mooi openbaring wat jy gehad het – dit is baie waar. Kollegas van Pretoria het ook verlede week hulle 21 jarige seun verloor & ‘n mens herleef dit weer saam met hulle.

      Hoop jou ouers kuier nog lekker saam met julle!

  2. Lovely to hear from you and that you are settling down after your long holiday. Thank you for all the lovely pictures. My computer needs replacing, I struggle to download, but feel lucky that I could see yours. Trusting that the children are settled in their new year and new class. They did so well last year that no doubt, they will excel again. Lovely children. I was so pleased that we could see you whilst in SA. Thinking of Stefan going to New Zealand. He has travelled all over the world! Pray for your ministry to go from strength to strength. We look forward to Lynell and family coming for Christmas and spending a holiday with them at Tergniet, near Mossel Bay. Know it will be a hectic time etc. but we must enjoy the time together. It is becoming difficult for her to take the children out of school as their holidays don’t coincide with ours. At moment we are busy organizing Edwin’s 60th year class reunion of which he is the convenor. Have 28 guys coming plus some of the wives. It is on the 15, 16, 17th October. We are grateful that we can still manage to do that and thank God for our health. Think of you often. Love Illona

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