3 Sleeps …

_DSC5768“Totsiens, tsamaya hantle, hamba kahle, au revoir, auf wiedersehen”, … – Saying “Goodbye” in any language is hard but we have been preparing for this farewell for many months now. So while we are sad to part with so many special people and South Africa we are ready to say “Hello” to our new life in America.

On Sunday afternoon we take off. Won’t you please pray for a safe journey for us and all our earthly belongings?

Also pray for:

  • A house for us in Orlando
  • Easy registration at the right school for the children
  • Wisdom to make wise choices as we settle

Thank you

Stefan, Marie, Kenneth & Monica

2 thoughts on “3 Sleeps …”

  1. Hi Stefan, Marie and kids,
    I wish I could join you. Have a wonderful blessed life in the USA and God be with you all every day of your lives.
    We send you of with the choice of His blessings.
    Tinus, Bessie and family.

  2. It has finally arrived; sad to lose you guys but excited about your new chapter in life. I personally would like to thank you; your immense contribution (Spiritaully & physically) in my life has been great and I’ll be eternally grateful.

    Numbers 6:24-26
    24 “‘“The Lord bless you
    and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”’


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