30 Sleeps Left


Arena Football NewThirty sleeps left. Excitement is building as we count down to our South Africa visit. Yes, we are coming for June and July to see our ministry partners (that’s you, our family and friends)!

Please pray for us as we put things in place for progress to be made on various projects while we are away. Operationally and on the Communications side of our ministry, there are many exciting developments to make the gospel known to unbelievers, but also to empower millions of believers with tools and training to help them become disciples of Christ who make disciples. We call people like this multiplying disciples. Our goal is to see 10 million multiplying disciples by 2020, empowered so that everyone on this earth will know someone who truly follows Jesus. Won’t you pray with us for this?

Here is one such tool:

“If you can use your phone, you can share your faith.”

GodTools (godtoolsapp.com) now includes 32 language versions of the Four Spiritual Laws evangelistic tract, as well as other tools, to help any follower of Jesus communicate the gospel clearly and simply. Since the tool was updated six months ago, it has been opened in 179 nations, daily usage has increased 500%, and each witnessing opportunity lasts a little over three minutes.

In one particular Middle Eastern nation, where it is illegal to follow Jesus, the app is being used about 100 times per month for twice as long — 6 minutes — per session. Only God knows the names of the faithful disciples who are sharing their faith there.  We currently have no known missionaries in this nation.

You can check it out and use it as well!

We are thanking the Lord for you, and we hope to see you when we are in South Africa!

3 thoughts on “30 Sleeps Left”

    1. Hi Sunganani

      Sorry about that, but we do not currently plan to release a windows phone tool. We have limited resources, and the market is small.


  1. Dear Stefan and Marie,
    Returned to SA from England on 10 May. What a surprise I received when Edwin popped out of the crowd to meet me. He had used the City Bug bus the day before and slept over at my brothers place in Pretoria. He in turn took him to the airport and it was so nice that we could be together for the 5 hours we had to wait for the bus home. I had a wonderful time with Lynell and family and thankfully, Edwin coped well enough. For me a relaxing time and good to be part of the children’s school activities and their club soccer matches which they are mad about. Even Ryan at 6 plays goalie and doing well. The weather wasn’t up to scratch, always an icy wind blowing and either overcast or raining, yet we did have some sunny days. We visited the Isle of Wight for Easter – I must say I missed our Easter week we have here, but we attended a Methodist Church at Brighstone on the Isle, 15 people but we were so warmly welcomed we enjoyed the service too. We also spent a week-end with Daryn’s birthday 28th March, at Great Yarmouth where Lynell booked a stationery caravan – had lots of fun fitting into it. When school started again, normal routine, then I also helped with the chores and cooking etc. The 7 weeks went by so quickly, unfortunately the last week the high pollen count must have caused sinusitis but I decided to wait till I was home to go to a dr. I wasn’t ‘sick’ only bogged up and Lynell had the same thing. Fortunately the flights worked out well and the assistance I received was wonderful but now that I am back, I have been so disorientated – cannot find things in my home – and after being to the dr. and having medication, I do feel much better and will now start ‘doing’ things again. We look forward to seeing you if you should come to Bloemfontein, that is wonderful that you can spend 2 months here. Is that also your long summer vacation for the children at school. We pray that all your plans will materialise and your trip enjoyable. I pray for your protection and safe arrival. I read about Irene with interest and wonderful that you could lead her to the Lord. I think often of you all and the work that you are doing and praise God for people like you. Love Illona

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