800 New Churches a Day!

During 2020, the JESUS Film team projected that an estimated 30 million people indicated their decision for Christ. That’s one person almost every second!

The JESUS Film is now available in more than 1,870 different languages. Ministry partners who use JESUS played a crucial role in planting upwards of 293,000 churches. That’s 800 every day!

Even during the pandemic, virtual translation workshops aided new script creation, but remotely. Ministry partners like YWAM and Renew World Outreach took on an even greater role to translate JESUS for smaller language groups. In 2020, 105 new translation projects were completed. 

A missionary in Southeast Asia who serves as the television broadcast coordinator shares: “Due to the pandemic, we have such a captive audience at home, so many people are tuning in and watching {satellite broadcasts}. What draws them more than anything is the fact that they can watch these programs, the JESUS film, in their ethnic heart language. We get confirmation all the time when we ask, ‘How did you find out about Jesus?’ And they say, ‘We saw Him on TV, and we love it because it’s in our own language.’ Someday we will see people from every nation and tribe and language gathered around the throne, worshipping our Savior and Lord, all because we partnered together and we stood in the gap for such a time as this.”

Hearing these stories always remind us of the privilege of serving the Lord and how grateful we are for your support that enables us to do this.

Reverend Dell:

Stefan was invited by one of our partner groups to be ordained as a minister. We are required to complete a certain number of theological courses throughout our staff career, which we have done, but we were not seeking ordination. In light of Stefan’s work worldwide as a church-planter, having the title “Reverend” makes it easier for him.

What made the ordination ceremony special was that our good friends, Marnus and Mariette van Niekerk were in America for business at the time, and they joined us. Due to Covid restrictions, we were only 11 people at the ceremony, but it was very intimate and meaningful.

Prayer Requests:

  1. This month our ministry is celebrating the impact of what God has done through all of us over the past decade. It culminates in a three-day online celebration event on 24-26 February. Marie is part of the design team for the event and will appreciate your prayers.
  2. Kenneth is waiting for responses from the universities where he has applied. Pray that it will be clear which university will be best for him. For us as parents, navigating the USA college system is intimidating.