A Few Easter 2024 Highlights

This year, the impact of our Easter Week campaign on the Jesus Film Project YouTube channel exceeded all expectations!

On Good Friday alone, we saw 3.5 million views of Jesus Film Content, marking a 50% increase compared to last year. From the days leading up to Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday and a few days after, our total views soared to 23.2 million, a 52% jump from the previous year. These numbers illustrate how ripe the harvest is and how God is using YouTube as a 24/7 evangelist across the globe.

This growth in the spread of the gospel on YouTube compelled our Jesus Film Project team to create new tools so that these millions of viewers can take the best next steps to grow in their spiritual walk and be connected to local churches and faith communities. They offered NextSteps journeys for some of the gospel content during Easter, and more than 50,990 people clicked to take the journey.

In a country where the gospel is scarcely known, and 96% of the community follows another major religion, we discovered Rose! Rose is a devoted volunteer whose life was transformed through her search for meaning. Rose’s journey began in solitude, exploring online for deeper life insights. On YouTube, she discovered the Jesus Film, a moment that not only filled her with new hope but led her to embrace a life following Christ. This digital encounter prompted a meaningful conversation via WhatsApp, paving the way for Rose to connect locally and eventually become an integral part of our ministry team. 

We praise the Lord for every person who watched the film and pray that He would use it in their life to draw them to Himself. 

Prayer Requests

  1. Praise the Lord for many who joined the 21-day prayer and fasting for spiritual awakening. 
  2. Praise the Lord for Stefan and his team’s safe return from Asia where they interviewed believers and church planters. Their stories humbled him. Stefan is now preparing to visit a country in North Africa. They will conduct similar interviews to understand the movements in that country and learn some best practices to pass on to other countries. Pray for safety and stamina as they visit churches around the country.
  3. Kenneth’s work in Alaska, is so remote that they fly in with helicopters to do the surveying. Pray for his safety and for him to savor this incredible adventure.