A New Opportunity

News from Stefan:

At the start of our missionary careers, our team studied Henry Blackaby’s book “Experiencing God”. A concept that stuck with us is “Look where God is working and join Him.” Through the years we have tried to do that.

In the last few years, God has been uniting Christian organizations and churches. They are locking arms for the sake of His Kingdom, in unprecedented ways. We are seeing incredible efforts to spread the gospel and plant churches all around the world. It truly is a beautiful movement of God.

The past few months, I started to sense that my time as global technology leader was coming to an end as a result of changing organisational direction with regards to technology. As I started looking for God’s activity, we were drawn to what God is doing in and through church planting movements. Our September letter spoke about this a little. Campus Crusade for Christ’s church planting focus is called Global Church Movements. They have their hands full with all that God is doing.

To my delight, I was asked to join the Global Church Movement (GCM) team to oversee the operational activities of the team, as well as the operations for the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX). This alliance has over 50 partners who all work toward seeing 5 million churches planted by 2020. I will also be the global liaison with 3 of our regional leaders.

We are very excited about this new opportunity as it allows me to not only use my technical and operational skills, but also my leadership development and networking skills. I’m again reporting to Dr. Bekele Shanko. I served under him in the Southern and Eastern Africa area from 2004-2010. Bekele, a fellow-African, is the vice president for our Global Church Movement and a man of great faith and vision.

By the end of 2016 we were aware of 986,236 new churches planted by GACX, mostly in areas where few or no churches existed. I can’t wait to see what the future hold!

God is clearly at work in the church planting world and we are privileged to have the opportunity to join Him. We look forward to your prayers and ongoing support in this new adventure.

Your Missionary


P.S. Marie will continue in her role as the Communication’s leader for the president with a special focus on our organization’s Global Communications.


30 thoughts on “A New Opportunity”

  1. Shot Stefan!
    Thanks for the update – the change seems very positive and exciting.
    May God richly bless this new chapter in your walk with him.

  2. Baie Sterkte boeta. Ons bid dat Vader jou sal seën en dra en met baie wysheid toerus vir jou nuwe avontuur. Lief vir julle…..

  3. Stefan I pray that the Lord will use you for his glory and keep you in the palm of his. Hand bless you and Marie blessings on the children I will be praying for you and know. That I will always love all of you auntie nor

  4. Glad to hear that you are still rowing in this boat. May The Lord strengthen you as you handle the oars in this new assignment.

  5. Hmmmm…praise God for leading you in this direction Stefan! Welcome to GCM. We will pray for a smooth transition!

  6. Shalom Stefan. Wow this is a great and I am exciting shift for you. As you know I love the field and so we look forward to have our path cross often. We wis you a fruitful ministry.

  7. Hi Stefan and Marie,
    2017 seems to have opened with great opportunities for the Dell missionaries.
    We are certain that God will continue blessing you in the years ahead.
    We wish you well.
    Much love,
    ‘Lin and Rosemary

  8. wow, it’s wonderful to hear that and may you enjoy as you soar like an eagle. will be keeping you all in prayers. Wonderful indeed, to God be the Glory eternally….

  9. With God’s blessing wish you success in the new project. Thank you heartily for the Christmas card and message.

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