A Special Graduation

We are now the proud parents of a high school graduate!

Kenneth finished his school career with pomp and ceremony during his graduation on 17 May. The event was hosted at the indoor sports arena here in Orlando. With over 700 Seniors (Matrics) in the class, it was a big day, celebrated with gusto. Fireworks rounded off the event with “oohs” and “aahs” from students and parents alike. 

Kenneth starts at the University of Florida on 28 June. The university is in Gainesville, two hours north of Orlando. They receive 50,000 first-year applications every year and only accept around 7,000 students, so we are proud of him for making the cut. His dream is to become an anesthetist or anesthesiologist, as it is called in the US. It is a long road ahead for him, and much can still change.

Thank you for all the prayers for Kenneth during his school career. We are grateful that he has come this far and we thank you for your ongoing prayers for him and Monica.

Stefan and Monica will be in South Africa in June for a brief visit to check in on family. Stefan can be reached on email or with WhatApp on his US number.