Accidents happen

1 AccidentPack. Unpack. Pack. Unpack.

This characterized Stefan’s past four weeks. He traveled to Turkey, the Middle East, Thailand and Singapore.

While visiting, helping and learning from our different teams of co-workers, he also had the privilege of hearing stories about what God is doing. For example:  One campus team in East Asia discovered there were 67 universities in their city. Their hearts broke for all the unengaged students outside their current reach. So by faith, they broadened their scope.

The team went out and bought several motorbikes, and divided up the city: each team member took responsibility for around 10 campuses. They began zooming around town, exploring campuses, sharing the gospel, and praying the Lord would raise up key volunteers on every campus.

By the end of the first year, they’d personally visited 55 campuses. They surfaced 24 key volunteers who began to share their faith and follow up others until nearly 180 students across the city were involved….and none of those 180 had ever met the original team!

Family News:

Marie was in a car accident, and though the vehicle was written off, we are grateful that she escaped with only bruises and burns from the airbags. Our church family and co-workers stepped in to help while Stefan was away and we felt loved and cared for.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Thank the Lord for Stefan’s traveling mercies and for protecting Marie during the car accident.
  2. Pray for wisdom and creativity as we work on different projects that will help our co-workers in their service to the Lord.
  3. Pray for Stefan as he hosts a Global Technology Leaders’ Conference in South Africa from 5-11 March. Pray for the safety of the 50 participants that will join him there.
  4. Pray for a good second-hand vehicle at a reasonable price to replace our destroyed one.

Thank you for enabling us to be involved in serving our missionaries around the globe!

Some Recent photo’s

2 thoughts on “Accidents happen”

  1. Praise God for the testimony from th team in East-Asia, for safety during Steve’s trips, and also protection during the accident Marie was involved in. May you both continue to enjoy God’s protection and see lasting fruitfulness in your ministry efforts. I pray for you for funds to replace your car.
    Do have a fruitful time at the Global Technology Leaders conference in SA.
    Thank you for sharing!

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