Making Your Life Count

Stefan’s News:

Meeting our global ministry leaders and missionaries always encourages me. I then hear first hand how the tools/platforms we develop and work on, help them to reach people for Jesus.The past month I had the joy of attending our global church planters conference, our global technology leaders meeting and connecting with missionaries that work in some countries that are very closed to the the gospel. I thank God for your partnership with me that enables me to serve them.


Global Technology Leaders

Please pray for my Mom who is in hospital with a pulmonary embolism.

Marie’s News:

Many Christians pray that the Lord would help them to make their lives count for Him. Dr. Steve Douglass, the president of Campus Crusade for Christ, for many years have motivated believers to make their lives count by walking closely with the Lord, praying for God’s supernatural help, caring for others and sharing what God has shown you.

For the last year our team worked closely with him to make these principles available to an audience that would not necessarily hear it from him or any of our missionaries. On March 1st, we launched in conjunction with his daily radio program that has a listener audience of over 5 million listeners.

This has been an exciting but daunting task. Please pray with us that thousands of believers will be encouraged to become multiplying disciples in their communities. Please visit the site to see how God can use our partnership to encourage believers – maybe you will also learn something new.

From Desperation To Salvation

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This young man turned 13 on January 6th.

At the start of 2016, it is good to look back at what God is doing. He is stirring people to seek Him out, and then speaking to their hearts in life-changing ways. The numbers below show the big picture of His work through one of our evangelistic websites,

                      VISITS                     DECISIONS FOR CHRIST

2015              22,302,684               333,910

2014              18,901,179               251,269

2013              11,012,987               169,178

2012              5,060,560                76,359

One young woman’s story gives a glimpse behind these numbers.  People find in various ways–someone’s recommendation, an article or video on Twitter or Facebook, etc.  Rachel was among the majority, who find through their own Google search.

She wrote, “I struggled with loneliness, anxiety, and moodiness. I finally got to a point of wanting out of the negativity. I dove into Buddhism/Zen, meditation, crystal/energy healing, and finally, Chakra healing.

“I knew God existed; I think I was just purposely denying Him. Replacing the name of God with “universe” felt so much easier. The last straw was when I paid nearly $200 for an online Chakra healing program that PROMISED happiness forever. I was desperate.

“I was alone in my room, putting all my hope into this program, and about to watch a live introductory seminar. In my heart I heard, ‘You don’t need this; turn it off.’ And I did.

“I got to your website with a question I typed into Google. Once I found it, I was stuck on it. You write in such a friendly, approachable, and comprehensible way. Finally I could understand who Jesus is.

“I felt so invited by Him through your site to be in a relationship with Him. I prayed a prayer of salvation on my knees in my room after reading one of your articles and have been changing ever since. I am so thankful for getting to know Jesus and for the way I am changing and growing. I am loving my journey.”

When we hear stories like Rachel’s, we not only give praise to the Lord for His grace, but we also thank Him for your partnership with us, enabling us to serve Him.

We would appreciate your prayers for Stefan as he travels to the Middle East today to attend a conference for our staff members that work in countries that are closed to the gospel. Pray that he would be able to encourage them, especially the technology leaders.

Your Missionaries

Highlights and Lowlights of 2015

20151124_124846We want to wish you a very special 2016 in which you will experience the Lord in an even greater measure!

We look back at 2015 and have the following memories:

Highlights of 2015:

  1. Our wonderful visit to South Africa in June
  2. The growth of our children in so many areas of their lives
  3. Various opportunities to be a light in our community through our church and the school
  4. The Lord’s provision despite the big depreciation of our currency.

Lowlights of 2015:

  1. Marie’s car accident in January
  2. Struggles with a work permit issue
  3. Restructuring of Stefan’s team
  4. The death of Vonette Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ on 23 December at the age of 89. She served the Lord faithfully until her last breath. You can read more about her remarkable life on

Prayers for 2016:

  1. That we will faithfully and joyfully serve the Lord
  2. For many people to come to know Jesus as their personal Saviour
  3. For the smooth completion of our green card application
  4. For God’s richest blessing on our partners, in each area of their lives.

Happy New Year!

Click here to see some recent photo’s

Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving Blocks Today Americans commemorate Thanksgiving, a celebration that dates back to the Pilgrims in 1621 as they thanked God for the harvest. In 1777, Congress proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November a National Day of Thanksgiving.

Despite any circumstance, we all have so much to give thanks for, so let us be people of gratitude.

For example, last week we participated in a “Thanksgiving Feast” outreach for interns at Disney World. The interns come from all over the world. Nearly 200 young people attended, and after two powerful salvation testimonies, a gospel presentation was made. Several of the interns indicated an interest in spiritual matters. Marie is doing follow-up with a girl from Uganda and a Zulu girl from Port Shepstone.

Two days later, Marie spoke to 40 students at Monica’s school about film translations, using the JESUS film as an example. She was able to hand out “JESUS for Children” DVD’s to all the children. Because you can’t speak about religion in public schools, she was very careful, then amazed, when the two teachers asked her to also show a short film used to start spiritual conversations. Here are 2 links to examples:  Jesus Film Media and Global Short Films

Please pray that the students and their families will watch the DVD’s.

As we eat our turkey, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie this afternoon with co-workers – be sure that your name will be on our list of people we are grateful for!

Wild America

GOT group at HobbitonConnecting with the Global Operation’s Leaders in New Zealand (the photo of the group was taken on the Hobbiton Movie Set) was just what the doctor ordered! Our return to Orlando had been difficult but God used the time in New Zealand to confirm that He wanted to continue using us in the global head office.

The needs of our missionaries around the world have been such a focus of our team that it was affirming to hear how God has been doing it from the direct beneficiaries. Thank you for enabling us to serve them!

On the home front – we wonder why American’s speak about “Wild Africa”? “Wild” is right here in our yard. If it isn’t a deer family trotting through our garden at night, an armadillo digging in our flowerbeds, we have to stop in the road for a crossing turtle switching lakes. Or it’s the Sandhill crane family stealing birdseed from the container on our stoep (porch). We have hundreds of bird species, especially water birds that can keep us entertained. And last, but not least, is our Black Racer snake that keep our frog and lizard population under control.

Unfortunately Moonshadow (our cat) thinks the snake is his playmate and recently chased him into the garage. Of course Stefan was away and you all know Genesis 3:15 “…I will put enmity between you and the woman…” is very true. Kenneth bravely came to my (Marie’s) rescue with the braai tongs (The Black Racer is nonvenomous). Thankfully, after a call to a dear colleague, I was encouraged to just keep the garage door open and the snake would find his own way out. I don’t enter the garage without all the lights on, just in case he decided to stay.

Thank you for your support that allows us to serve the Lord here from “Wild America”!

21 Years!


We are safely back in Orlando after a wonderful visit in South Africa and have nearly acclimatised.

This year we celebrate 21 years as full-time missionaries. It has been 21 amazing years and we are so grateful that you have journeyed with us. As we look back to serving in Cape Town, Durban, the South African National Office, the Southern and Eastern Africa Area Office and now the Global Head Office, here are a few lessons we keep learning:

  1. Our partners – those who pray, give, encourage, work alongside, provide tools or resources have become dear friends. We are rich in relationships.
  2. We plant gospel seeds, but only God can draw people to Himself and cause growth.
  3. In our pain and disappointments God teaches us about Himself and ourselves.
  4. Leadership is hard, but a privilege.
  5. People disappoint people, but forgiveness is a gift we received from God and each other that we can also pass on to others.
  6. Different cultures add a richness to life, and doing things differently is not wrong, just different. South Africans with their many cross-cultural experiences, make wonderful missionaries.
  7. God is at work all around the world, even in the darkest, unreached areas. And He allows us to take part in some of it.

Thank you for your partnership with us as we look forward to the next 21 years!

P.S. Stefan is traveling to New Zealand on Thursday to join our Global Operations leaders from the different areas for their annual collaboration time. Your prayers would be appreciated!

Pic’s From The Past






Furlough Fun

Umhlanga BeachWe have two more weeks left of our wonderful furlough. Sweet reunions with family and friends were a highlight but it was also great to  be part of the hustle and bustle of South African culture, having braais, biltong and enjoying South African humor.

We have had many opportunities to speak at church groups and to reflect on God’s hand over us the past two years and to tell stories of what God is doing around the world. We were thrilled to hear many testimonies of God’s work in the lives of our faithful supporters and how He is using them here in South Africa.

On 17 August we depart for Orlando. Please pray for a good flight and for us to settle back into our American lives smoothly. Also pray for our children who will start their new school year on 24 August.

We appreciate the assurance of your support as we start a new term as missionaries in Orlando.

Here are a few pictures of our visit here:

Bunny Chow

Bunny Chow in Durban


Famous South African BraaiCousinsWith Ouma and our youngest cousins

When Can We See You?

We arrived safely in South Africa and have already been spoiled with delicious bobotie, potjiekos, biltong, a nice braai, malva pudding and koeksisters! Needless to say, all the Dells are smiling from ear to ear!

We would love to see you! To make sure we do not miss out on catching up with you, we arranged a few “hang-out” opportunities for us to connect.


Thursday- 18 June @ 15:30, Noorderbloem Aftree Oord, Oliewenlaan 11. Join us for cake and tea (and a few American treats). RSVP


Saturday – 20 June @ 15:00, Campus Crusade for Christ National Office, 398 Rigel Avenue, Erasmus Rand, 0181. Join us for cake and tea (and a few American treats). RSVP

Sunday – 5 July @ 15:30, Campus Crusade for Christ National Office, 398 Rigel Avenue, Erasmus Rand, 0181. Join us for cake and tea (and a few American treats). RSVP


Saturday – 4th of July @ 12:00, Rosebank Union Church, Corner of St. Andrews street and William Nicol, Hurlingham. Join us for an American Independence Day Picnic with hot dogs and lemonade (minus the fire-works). RSVP


Sunday – 19 July @ 15:30, N.G. Fontein Gemeente, Van Wouw Street, Sasolburg. Join us for cake and tea (and a few American treats). RSVP


Sunday – 2 August, after church services, Westville Baptist Church


Sunday – 9 August @ 15:30, 14 Gardenia Road, Ridgeworth, Belville, 7530. Join us for cake and tea (and a few American treats). RSVP


Stefan – 079 130 6423
Marie – 076 361 4980

Less Than One Week…..


Passports – Check              Winter clothes – Check                Excitement – Check, Check

Less than one week to our departure for South Africa on 3 June, and we can’t wait!

Please continue to pray for our furlough preparation, and especially our emotional readiness. A lot has changed in our lives and in the lives of our family and friends over these two years. Pray that despite the changes, we would be able to reconnect with everyone.

Stories like the one below fill us with joy! Thank you for playing your part.

African Woman Shares Faith Against All Odds

[Collecting “changed life” stories like this one is a way Marie’s Team support the global leaders of CCC. We find and edit stories that show multiplying disciples as we try to illustrate and document our progress toward the goal of 10 million multiplying disciples by 2020. This greatly encourages others to keep sharing the gospel and making disciples (Matt. 28), and helps our national leaders continue to press on toward the goal of 10 million multiplying disciples.]

Growing up in an African nation where Christians face persecution for their beliefs, Teresa felt isolated as a new follower of Jesus. Her community has no churches. Believers who meet together must do so discreetly. Despite challenges, Teresa felt called to grow in her walk with Christ and to share the love of Jesus with her community.



It’s unsafe to discuss such topics openly, so Teresa turned to the internet for answers and found, the Amharic version of She began emailing volunteers and staff who provide support to the website. Her primary concern? How to share the gospel without access to a printed Bible.

Efram, a volunteer with HabeshaStudent, introduced her to an Amharic Bible app for feature phones that he developed during an Indigitous event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She now uses this app to share the gospel with her friends and family.

Teresa is especially concerned about helping family members know Jesus. “If I don’t share the gospel with them, who will?” she asked. Upon her urging, Teresa’s family has started reading one chapter of the Bible every time they meet.

Though unsafe to meet in groups larger than three or four, Teresa leads a Bible study out of her home. She’s passionate about evangelism, knowing what is at stake. “Whenever I think about eternity, I get shivers,” she says.“It is not good that our brothers and sisters will go to eternal death as a result of not knowing the truth.”

Because of Campus Crusade’s  digital strategies ministry, Teresa now has the evangelistic materials that fit her context and that she couldn’t get locally. “Nobody around me was able to give me advice on how I could serve and do ministry, but even if you are 1,000 kilometers from me, God used you ( Digital Strategies) to equip me for this work.”

Accidents happen

1 AccidentPack. Unpack. Pack. Unpack.

This characterized Stefan’s past four weeks. He traveled to Turkey, the Middle East, Thailand and Singapore.

While visiting, helping and learning from our different teams of co-workers, he also had the privilege of hearing stories about what God is doing. For example:  One campus team in East Asia discovered there were 67 universities in their city. Their hearts broke for all the unengaged students outside their current reach. So by faith, they broadened their scope.

The team went out and bought several motorbikes, and divided up the city: each team member took responsibility for around 10 campuses. They began zooming around town, exploring campuses, sharing the gospel, and praying the Lord would raise up key volunteers on every campus.

By the end of the first year, they’d personally visited 55 campuses. They surfaced 24 key volunteers who began to share their faith and follow up others until nearly 180 students across the city were involved….and none of those 180 had ever met the original team!

Family News:

Marie was in a car accident, and though the vehicle was written off, we are grateful that she escaped with only bruises and burns from the airbags. Our church family and co-workers stepped in to help while Stefan was away and we felt loved and cared for.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Thank the Lord for Stefan’s traveling mercies and for protecting Marie during the car accident.
  2. Pray for wisdom and creativity as we work on different projects that will help our co-workers in their service to the Lord.
  3. Pray for Stefan as he hosts a Global Technology Leaders’ Conference in South Africa from 5-11 March. Pray for the safety of the 50 participants that will join him there.
  4. Pray for a good second-hand vehicle at a reasonable price to replace our destroyed one.

Thank you for enabling us to be involved in serving our missionaries around the globe!

Some Recent photo’s