
GTO Manila Safe

Walking into the meeting room, I could have mistaken the chatting as a foreign language. Except, I knew it was just programmers lingo. Eighteen programmers joined us in Manila for our Global Technology meetings.

Campus Crusade for Christ is trusting God to have 10 million multiplying disciples by 2020. To track the progress toward the goal, we wanted to ensure that we have the right system in place. The programmers joined us to put their heads (or rather their hard drives) together and in less than two weeks integrated many existing systems into a data warehouse. We called this meeting a Hackathon.

It was exciting to watch the programmers from different countries and languages unite. Guided by the Holy Spirit, they developed the system. Thank you for your prayers – my expectations were exceeded and we continue to trust the Lord for wisdom to use technology wisely for the growth of His Kingdom.

Marie and I would appreciate your prayers for our teams as we develop a system to effectively communicate with our global leaders. My team works on the technology aspects and Marie’s team on the content.

Praise God – Kenneth and Monica both made some good friends.

Continue to pray that we will be a shining light for Jesus here in America.

Your Missionary


See our latest Photo’s here.


GTL Sep 13

“Collaboration – the act of working with others on a joint project and shared goals”

Getting together with the technology leaders of Campus Crusade for Christ from around the world is always exciting. We get to see the great things that God is doing in other parts of the world and how similar our challenges are. Solving common problems together through collaboration has been a joy of our bi-annual “Global Technology Leaders” (GTL) meeting. I now have friends from all corners of the world because we have been able to solve problems together. These solutions have been helpful far beyond the specific area that first raised the need.

I am busy preparing to go to Manila, Philippines 20 February-4 March, for our next GTL meeting. The focus of this specific meeting will be “Leading as a Technologist.” Please be in prayer for our speaker Steve Bissell, and the leaders and participants:

Oumar, JR, Gabe, Jerry, Joseph, Timothy, Doug, Mark, Elaine, Sebastian, Jess, Ricky, Kelly, Azat, Salam, Touhami, Marla, Henry, James, Nick, Walter, Matt, Erik, Moses, Bob, Suneerat, Tachit, Peter, Daniel, Harvey, Jon, Michael, Johnny, Ric, Caleb, Dennis, Josh, Dave, Daniel, Karin, Mark, Russ, Mike, Todd, Mike, Richard (Yes I know this is a long list of names, but they would appreciate your prayers.)

We are grateful for your prayers!


We have posted some new Photos here


Indigitous Screen

Indigitous (Indigenous + Digital) is a movement of Christians passionate about connecting people to Jesus using digital strategies and tools. I was privileged to be a part of the first conference in Waterloo, Canada last week where I met many people that are natives of the digital world. They are Indigitous! Here is a little video to introduce you to the idea.

[iframe http://www.youtube.com/embed/dzAA_erBcag?rel=0 100%]

If you can not see the Video please view it HERE

Pray especially for the next Indigitous conference for Latin America and the Caribbean in Panama next week. Pray also for my co-worker, Miheret from Ethiopia as he prepares to host the Indigitous meeting for Africans in Addis Ababa from 7-11 May next year.

Rat Attack?


“From the interactions this week I have made more progress on my project than I’ve made in months!”

Someone commented after our time together in Budapest as technology leaders of Campus Crusade. It is so true that collaboration and inspiration from others spurs everyone on to greater heights for the Lord’s glory. Thank you for praying for meeting in Hungary.

Please pray for:

  1. Continued progress in the many projects our team is working on for God’s glory.
  2. Our Mortgage approval so that we can receive the keys on Friday (27 Sept.)
  3. Wisdom and stamina for Stefan in a number of big meetings the next 10 days.
  4. A presentation we, the Dells, are doing on Tuesday (1 Oct.) to all the Headquarters staff members about our journey of faith. We feel privileged to tell the story of God’s grace in our lives.

On a lighter note, we received Disney World tickets as a gift and it was everything and more than what we expected!

Mickey Mouse greetings!

Operations in a Box


“We have started using the ‘Ops in a Box’ reimbursement tool in our (Area) office, and will be rolling it out to our countries over the next few months” reported JR, the technology leader for Eastern Europe at our Global Technology Leaders meeting held in Thailand. For the past two years a group of us have been developing a tool we called “Ops in a box”. The tool is to help smaller ministries succeed with their operational needs and ease the administrative burden on our missionaries.

Satisfied and excited I listened to JR as my thoughts drifted through the many hours my task team worked to complete the financial part of the tool. To see our dream come true is such a joy. Pray with us that it will free up many hours for our missionaries, enabling them to share Jesus with more people. Thank you for enabling me to be a part of this initiative.


  1. Thank you for your prayers for my trip to Thailand. All went well.
  2. Continue to pray for our preparations for our move to Orlando in July 2013

