Jesus is Worth It

Celebrating Monica’s birthday at a Mexican restaurant.

Going on a mission project during our student years was instrumental in cementing our callings into full-time missionary work. Stefan went to Botswana and the Caprivi Strip in 1991, and Marie to Bulgaria in 1992. Trusting the Lord to provide for those trips gave us a good taste of the Lord’s faithfulness and how He uses other people as part of that journey. 

It is fun to see students still learning that lesson. Naomi, a student involved with our ministry here in the United States, talked to a friend after his mission outreach. She saw he was noticeably changed and thought, “I should consider this.” But when she found out she would need to fundraise for it, the fear was just too much. 

Later, she heard another student sharing about one of her own fears. Instead of giving up, this girl leaned into her fear, saying, “Jesus is worth it.” Naomi decided to trust God in the face of her fears. This past July, she did her first mission project. During a recent student conference, Naomi passionately challenged other students to invest their summer in missions: “Go! Even if you have to do it scared…because Jesus is worth it!”

May her challenge also motivate us to “Go! Because Jesus is worth it.”

Prayer Requests:

  1. Praise the Lord for thousands of students preparing for mission projects this year.
  2. Marie is attending our Global Executive Team meetings in Panama this week. Please pray for good meetings, stamina, and good health. She is feeling a bit under the weather.
  3. Stefan’s Mom needs to move out of her current accommodation, and we are praying for a place in a retirement village.  Please pray for a solution.

Looking Back At 2024

Kenneth and Monica on the University of Florida campus.

We wish our South African friends a special Day of Reconciliation today.

As we prepare for Christmas, we wish you ‘exceeding great joy’ as we celebrate the miracle of His birth. (Matthew 2:10) We are privileged to be messengers of that joy and hope.

We experienced a lot of joy this year:

  1. Kenneth graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Geomatics on 13 December. He has several job offers and is excited about the future.
  2. We have an unexpected opportunity to be in South Africa over Christmas.
  3. The spiritual growth of the people we are discipling has been faith-building to watch, as well as seeing Kenneth and Monica catching the vision of building spiritually into the lives of fellow students.
  4. Stefan loved visiting Egypt and an Asian country to confirm reports of church planting growth there. In the Asian country, 26 generations of churches have been planted despite the prominence of another major religion. The generations mean a church that plants a church, and that new church then plants a church, etc. Stefan and his team were privileged to interview members of those 26 generations of churches, and it was amazing to see the accuracy of their doctrine.
  5. We celebrate nearly 500 leaders who have either graduated or are studying a Master’s program in Transformational Leadership. Stefan helps to coordinate the program. It is designed to produce leaders of character and competence who help ensure the health and sustainability of churches being planted around the world. Stefan loves seeing their growth in leadership.

We also had some tears:

  1. Stefan’s dad is facing some health challenges.
  2. Our cat, Foxy, went missing in August.
  3. The ongoing wars and unrest that several of our co-workers are experiencing in the 110 armed conflicts around the world. The stories we hear are heartbreaking, yet we know the Lord is also at work amid all the tears.

Thank you for your friendship, prayers, encouragement and support during 2024. May the Lord richly bless and use you!

Merry Christmas!

The Fruit of our Labour

Enjoying an African sunset

Greetings from South Africa!

Since 2000, we have been serving in various operational and administrative roles to accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Sometimes, the work required is to improve the communication system or the finance system to get money to our missionaries or to help train our missionaries to incorporate digital tools in their day-to-day ministry.

Last week in Johannesburg, we had the wonderful opportunity to join 60 of our missionaries from around the world who are involved in operational and digital strategies for a leadership conference.

There were several “wow” moments for us:

  • Reunion with leaders we have relationships with dating back to 2005.
  • In 2019, Marie was part of a leadership development cohort of 12 women working in digital ministry. Six of the ladies were at this meeting, and several of us met face-to-face for the first time. 
  • Meeting new leaders in person who we have only seen in Zoom meetings
  • Over the years, we have been involved in several digital initiatives to help the gospel spread. It was a blessing to hear reports of the impact and how our work’s training and examples have helped several countries start their own initiatives.
  • This is the first time Marie is back in South Africa in summer – seeing the Jacaranda trees in full bloom and the agapanthus flowers starting to come out is a treat!
  • We visited our South African office and recognized that Stefan was instrumental in recruiting and training several staff members still serving in operational roles.

Six of the Digital Dames

Explaining our work group’s findings

Praying together

Taking our friends from Panama, Philippines, Trinidad and Tebago, East Asia and USA to Nando’s

Most days, we are in the trenches, solving problems and helping support our missionaries worldwide. Last week provided a rare opportunity to look back on many years of service and experience the impact of our work. You have made it possible for us! Thank you for your part in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Your missionaries

You Hold Our Arms Up

Marie’s team –  – from left to right – Luke, Tara, Steve and Marie

We have all served on some wonderful teams, and working with people you enjoy and love daily is a privilege. For the last four years, Marie has had the joy of working closely with the president, Steve Sellers, and a small team that feels like we are the Aarons and Hurs (from Exodus 17: 12-13) – who hold up his arms as he leads our movement. Marie had such a close working relationship with this little team that she sometimes spoke to them in Afrikaans before remembering they were not family.

On 18 July, Steve handed over the leadership to our newly elected president, David Robbins. Marie coordinated his commissioning service, which was a beautiful celebration of God’s faithfulness over the last 73 years of our organization.

You can watch the recording of the service.

Please pray for David as he steps into his new role and as we learn to support him. 

Thank you that you are our Aarons and Hurs, holding our arms up as we serve the Lord on the frontlines.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Praise the Lord for Stefan’s successful visit to North Africa. The interviews their team did with believers and church planters to understand the movements in that country went well. The only challenge was that his suitcase had its own itinerary and arrived 13 days late – but it did arrive!
  2. Praise the Lord that Kenneth is safely back from Alaska after a great adventure.
  3. Thank the Lord for our wonderful co-workers.
  4. Pray for our student ministries as they prepare for the start of the new academic year in many parts of the world. We have many outreach strategies, especially for first-year students.

Journey from Anxiety to Peace

We are excited that her.Bible, the audio Bible in women’s voices that Monica and I worked on, is now also available on the YouVersion App. With over 210,518 active users who’ve played more than 3 million chapters in 2023, your prayers for this project are encouraging.

We celebrate the launch of their first YouVersion reading plan, “Journey from Anxiety to Peace,” in honor of International Women’s Day!

We love testimonies like this one from Caryn.

“I don’t think I knew I needed this audio version until I started listening…finding myself in a different place emotionally as I heard God’s Word in these beautiful, nurturing voices…as if a mother, sister, or aunt were reading the words over me. I know I’m not the only one.”

The Training Workbook for New Language Production

Coaching Women for More Languages

The her.Bible team is having great conversations with individuals from several countries to record the Bible in women’s voices in their local languages

  • Katy, the first woman to enter their coaching program launched (NIV) for International Women’s Day in voices from the U.K.
  • The Biblica team in Egypt will have an Arabic New Testament available later this year.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Praise the Lord for the impact of her.Bible.
  2. Pray that more people will be coached to record their languages.
  3. Pray for Stefan and his church planting team as they meet in Columbia this week for their bi-annual in-person meeting. They have a full agenda and trust the Lord for wisdom and direction in many situations.
  4. Monica and Kenneth start their exams soon. Pray for wisdom and a calm spirit.

Marie’s Projections and Ponderings

One highlight of a sabbatical is the opportunity to linger in God’s presence through time in His Word and prayer. I want to share a quick truth that I was mulling over during my sabbatical.

A few months before the start of my sabbatical, I was working on a big project and found myself paralyzed to move forward with what I knew I needed to do. I discussed this with a good friend, and she asked me some questions that led me to a sad discovery.

As a planner, I was projecting the different possible outcomes of my project and imagined the worst possible scenario. That in itself is not wrong – but when it paralyzes you because every solution you have thought about does not factor God in, you have a problem!

I realized that none of my outcomes included that the Lord would always be with me (as He promised in Heb. 13:5), and even if the worst happened, He would never leave me. The discovery pained me that despite my years of following Jesus, my lack of trust still crept up on me.

Sabbatical allowed me the time and opportunity to refocus my belief and trust in the Lord and the truth of what He represents. I studied the book of John and discovered that Jesus often used the phrase “I tell you the truth.” I’ve been soaking up the truths He told His disciples. 

In John 18:38, Pilate asks Jesus, “What is truth?”

It has also become one of my mottos – when I plan and project the possible outcomes, I ask, “What is truth?” This helps me focus on the Lord and remember that He is with me and will be with me, even if the worst happens.

I am grateful for your prayers for us. Thank the Lord for His continued journey with us, and pray that we will trust Him more and more every day.

Your missionary,



While on sabbatical, I had an opportunity to create a book of quotes about love for our Hindu neighbours as a wedding gift. It was fun and they were stunned by the thoughtfulness. Here are three of the pages.

4 Lessons From Finland

In nearly 30 years of ministry, we have rarely seen this level of commitment to discipleship and spiritually building into the lives of others as we witnessed in Finland. 

A quick photo with Anni and Pyry. Marie is wearing a marino wool jersey knitted by Pyry’s sister for her.

Fifty Finns, mostly under the age of 30, gathered for the Easter weekend to learn skills to help others grow in their faith and multiply their lives into more people. They are the leaders of small church communities from around Finland. 

Although we were there to lead two workshops – which went very well because of your prayers – we felt like we were there to learn from them. Here are a few things we learnt:

1. “Tell me your Jesus story.”

Every conversation started with, “Tell me your Jesus story.” Immediately, each conversation went to a profound level of sharing and learning how God had intervened in each person’s life. It was also a celebration of God’s miraculous restoration of people – some coming out of very dark backgrounds.

2. Be fully present

We hardly saw any cell phones; we learned that before the weekend, they had decided to put their phones aside to be fully present with one another. It was so refreshing!

Marie leading her workshop – look at the beautiful ocean view in the background.

3. Ask good questions to grow.

The Finns take their meals seriously, we had five a day, but they consider two as snacks. At every meal, participants came up to us and asked questions. They wanted to grow in their faith and help others grow. They even made notes while you were answering.

4. Sauna and Splash

Sauna time is an essential part of Finnish discipleship. Deep conversations take place while sweat is pouring down your body. The retreat center had two saunas, and every night the men gathered in one and the women in the other. The fact that everyone is nude may contribute to the openness of the conversations. The sauna next to the sea also has the added benefit of cooling you down in frigid water when you get too hot. Monica received high praise for staying in the freezing water for 45 seconds! Her mother only got knee-deep.

We left Finland so encouraged! We know the Lord is raising people from every nation to bring the gospel, and witnessing these fifty people in action, we have great hope for a large harvest from Finland.

It was beautiful but freezing! Imagine how cold the sea felt.

Please pray for the following:

  1. Pyry and Anni Winter as they lead this movement in Finland.
  2. That the Finnish leaders manage their time well, having full-time jobs and leading their churches.
  3. Monica as she makes her final university decision. She has narrowed down her choices between two universities.

Finding Us In Finland

Retreat center close to Turku

Easter greetings from a beautiful and freezing Finland!

This Easter weekend, Stefan is returning to the gorgeous retreat center pictured above with Marie and Monica. 

Stefan wrote in our November 2021 newsletter, “A personal highlight was visiting a young pastor couple in Finland that we have been coaching over the past few years but have never gotten to visit. Stefan meets with the husband, Pyry, and Marie with the wife, Anniina. They are experimenting with a model of church planting that is attracting young Finns who are church-less, but looking for authentic faith. It is exciting to see young families finding Jesus and being obedient to His call to make disciples.”

They invited us to join them as speakers at their retreat this weekend.

They expect about 50 participants. Each participant will have the opportunity to choose 1 of 3 workshops on Friday and from another 1 of 3 on Saturday. Stefan is presenting his workshop on Friday, and Marie on Saturday. These participants are members of the 15 churches planted in the last few years. 

It will be the first time Marie will meet Anniina in person, so exciting.

Freezing in Finland

Prayer Requests:

  1. For each of the workshops that we will present during the Easter retreat. Pray for a good connection with our audience and that the lessons learned will accelerate the spiritual growth and fruitfulness of the participants.
  2. For safe travels while we are in Europe. Next week we will visit Marie’s sister and her family in England before our return.
  3. For Monica as she decides which university to attend. She was accepted at eight and will visit one offering her a good scholarship from 16-18 April in Chicago. She needs to make her final decision by 1 May.

Celebrate 50 With Me!

This week I (Marie) celebrate my 50th birthday. Wow, it is hard to believe that I have been alive for half a century! I feel that I have so much to learn and discover, so I can’t wait for the next 50 years!

As children, we used to say, “one day, when I am big, I am going to …”. Many of those wishes were silly, but some of them were deep-rooted dreams. My dream was to be a missionary. Even though the details weren’t clear, I knew I wanted to tell others about Jesus.

So, needless to say, I am living my dream! What a privilege that is, and you enable me to have a front-row seat to be part of what God is doing around the world. Thank you!

My favourite bible verse is Ps. 23:5b “ …my cup overflows.” I certainly can testify that the Lord’s blessings and goodness to our family and me overflow so much that I have to drink out of the saucer to keep up!

Prayer requests:

  1. Thank the Lord for my good health and many blessings.
  2. Praise the Lord that we could book tickets to visit South Africa during June and July. We can’t wait to see everyone. Three years is a long time!
  3. Pray for our 120 missionaries from Ukraine. You can follow their live feed prayer requests and sign up for a slot on the 24h prayer chain. We are grateful for the Lord’s protection over them so far.

Looking Back on 2021

Merry Christmas from the Manatees in Florida!

Merry Christmas!

We celebrate the birth of our Saviour and want to thank the Lord for what He has done in 2021. There were hardships and some great things that happened this year. Here are a few:


  1. Kenneth completed his school career and was accepted at the top university in Florida.
  2. Stefan and Monica had an opportunity to travel to South Africa and visit our families.
  3. Marie started a new role as the Global Communications Director.
  4. In the last three months, Stefan has traveled to meet face-to-face with several of our church planters around the world. These times together has been a blessing.
  5. Over 3.4 million personal gospel presentations were made through our ministry despite the pandemic, leading to over 435,500 personal decisions. Some of these occurred in some of the most challenging parts of the world to reach with the gospel.


  1. The death of dear friends and co-workers to Covid and cancer.
  2. Continued restrictions due to the Covid pandemic and also the economic impact on our beloved South Africa.

Your partnership with us enabled us to continue to serve the Lord as missionaries. We do not take the privilege lightly.

We are praying that you and your loved ones have a special Christmas. We celebrate that “the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). What a privilege we have to tell others about His grace and truth!

Merry Christmas!