Retreat center close to Turku
Easter greetings from a beautiful and freezing Finland!
This Easter weekend, Stefan is returning to the gorgeous retreat center pictured above with Marie and Monica.
Stefan wrote in our November 2021 newsletter, “A personal highlight was visiting a young pastor couple in Finland that we have been coaching over the past few years but have never gotten to visit. Stefan meets with the husband, Pyry, and Marie with the wife, Anniina. They are experimenting with a model of church planting that is attracting young Finns who are church-less, but looking for authentic faith. It is exciting to see young families finding Jesus and being obedient to His call to make disciples.”
They invited us to join them as speakers at their retreat this weekend.
They expect about 50 participants. Each participant will have the opportunity to choose 1 of 3 workshops on Friday and from another 1 of 3 on Saturday. Stefan is presenting his workshop on Friday, and Marie on Saturday. These participants are members of the 15 churches planted in the last few years.
It will be the first time Marie will meet Anniina in person, so exciting.

Freezing in Finland
Prayer Requests:
- For each of the workshops that we will present during the Easter retreat. Pray for a good connection with our audience and that the lessons learned will accelerate the spiritual growth and fruitfulness of the participants.
- For safe travels while we are in Europe. Next week we will visit Marie’s sister and her family in England before our return.
- For Monica as she decides which university to attend. She was accepted at eight and will visit one offering her a good scholarship from 16-18 April in Chicago. She needs to make her final decision by 1 May.