From Irma to Israel

Jordan River

We will remember the month of September as a month of a deep “lowlight” and a wonderful highlight!


Florida is still recovering from the impact of Hurricane Irma. Our children lost six days of school, and so many tests and events were rescheduled. The evidence of Irma’s destruction is everywhere, and it will be months before all the debris is cleared and repairs done.

Florida is also the home of many Puerto Ricans, and we have felt their pain as Hurricane Maria ripped through their island. Many of our friends are trying to bring their families from the island to Florida.

Despite some chaos, everyone continues with life as normally as possible. God has made mankind very resilient!


Stefan and I just returned from Israel, where we attended a Senior Leaders’ Development Study tour. We joined forty colleagues, representing 21 countries. The focus of the tour was to study the process Jesus used in building His “disciple-making movement” that resulted in us, over 2,000 years later, also following Him.One of many study stops

It was a privilege to experience and see the context in which Jesus connected with people, won them over to His kingdom and built them up in their faith, while training and preparing them to be sent out as His disciple-makers.

Magdala Synagogue:

A personal highlight was to stand in the first century A.D. synagogue in Magdala (earlier manuscripts mention Magadon). Magdala is located four miles north of Tiberias, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee.

Mary Magdalene is believed to be from Magdala. She is mentioned 12 times in the four gospels, more than most disciples. I am named after her–my full name is Maria Magdalena.

No one really knew the location of Mary’s authentic hometown until 2009, when it was discovered less than one foot under the topsoil. The excavation of the first century A.D. synagogue is significant, as it is one of only seven from that period. From the gospel of Matthew, we know that Jesus went through all Galilee and taught in the synagogues. It can be assumed that Jesus also preached in this beautiful synagogue.

Prayer requests:

  1. Thank the Lord for His protection during Hurricane Irma and pray for the ongoing restoration that needs to take place.
  2. Thank the Lord for the opportunity to visit Israel and experience the land of the Bible. We learnt so much. Pray that we will be good stewards of our new knowledge and experiences.
  3. Thank the Lord for Stefan’s sister Lauren, who came to help with our children while we were away.
  4. Pray for the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication meetings that take place this week in Minneapolis. This alliance includes our organization and 62 partner groups that are all striving to see 5 million churches planted by 2020. Learn more at

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Irma

Hurricane Irma came past around 2 am this morning and it was frighting! But God kept His hand over us and our property.

Here are the good, the bad and the ugly from Irma’s “visit”:

The Good:

  1. We hardly ever see our neighbours, but with the preparation and clean-up, the whole community worked together.
  2. The closure of schools and non-essential services, gave us 5 days together as a family.
  3. After the preparation work, we had time to do a few fun things, like playing board games, watching a movie and even cooking together as a family.
  4. During the curfew, we also had time for the things we never get time for (and never want to make time for) like polishing  great-Grandma’s silver.

The Bad:

  1. Watching the panic and hysteria as people prepared for the hurricane.
  2. Driving from shop to shop for basics like water, bread and tinned food. Empty shelves was not strange the past week.
  3. The waiting and uncertainty of the hurricane’s path. She made various changes to her route during the week.

The Ugly:

  1. Marie’s flight to Denver was cancelled at the last minute and she could not get another flight before the airport closed. It is sad to miss this training.
  2. Waking up to wet carpets in the rooms that took the impact of Irma.
  3. Seeing the damage to roofs, fences and trees of our neighbours.

In the midst of all this, we were very aware of the Lord’s presence and the encouragement from His people. Thank you so much for your prayers!

Schools and our office are still close tomorrow (Tuesday, 12 September) and we hope to get our home and garden back in order.

We are grateful we never lost electricity despite it being true for many of our friends. We are looking forward to a restful night.


Pain Is Never Wasted

When our winking son, Peter, died in 2010, several people mentioned 2 Corinthians 1:4 “so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive”  as encouragement that the Lord will one day use our story.

In December, I (Marie) was helping the Social Media team prepare content for the first few months of 2017. For February, the focus would be how God minister in our brokenness. As we brainstormed, I mentioned our own brokenness after Peter’s death and offered our story.

This past week, a video of my story was published and within days, over 13 000 people watched it and it was shared by nearly 100 people.

I thank the Lord for this opportunity and I’m also humbled by the truth that our pain is never wasted.

Thank you for your prayers the past seven years as we walked the road of grief.

Highlights and Lowlights of 2016

Our hope for a white Christmas did not become a reality, but we had the privilege to escape the bustle and flatness of Florida for the beautiful mountains of Tennessee. The quality family time around a fireplace in the cold was good for our souls.

It also gave us time to reflect on 2016 and God’s hand over us.

Highlights of 2016:

  1. Two grannies, a grandpa, an aunt and 2 cousins came to visit us this year.
  2. Marie celebrated her Mom’s 70th birthday with all her siblings in South Africa.
  3. We received our Green cards, it makes working here as foreigners much easier.
  4. The children settled well into their new school and the Cambridge program.
  5. Continued open doors to share the gospel in many places around the world and for the new ways the gospel is penetrating closed countries. For example, our ministry’s digital tools had 32.2 million unique users in 2016.
  6. Our faithful ministry partners that sacrificially enable us to remain in full-time ministry.

Lowlights of 2016:

  1. Hurricane Matthew – thankfully we were spared the brunt of it, but it was a scary experience.
  2. Kenneth’s broken leg in July. Grateful that it healed well.
  3. Two neighbours that we built the strongest relationships with, moved this year. A frustrating reality of today’s society.
  4. Journeying with several ministry partners and co-workers that have walked hard roads during 2016.

We are entering 2017 with great anticipation! There are some exciting changes awaiting us. Stay tuned!

Our prayer for you for 2017 is from Psalm 20:4

“May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!”

Highlights and Lowlights of 2015

20151124_124846We want to wish you a very special 2016 in which you will experience the Lord in an even greater measure!

We look back at 2015 and have the following memories:

Highlights of 2015:

  1. Our wonderful visit to South Africa in June
  2. The growth of our children in so many areas of their lives
  3. Various opportunities to be a light in our community through our church and the school
  4. The Lord’s provision despite the big depreciation of our currency.

Lowlights of 2015:

  1. Marie’s car accident in January
  2. Struggles with a work permit issue
  3. Restructuring of Stefan’s team
  4. The death of Vonette Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ on 23 December at the age of 89. She served the Lord faithfully until her last breath. You can read more about her remarkable life on

Prayers for 2016:

  1. That we will faithfully and joyfully serve the Lord
  2. For many people to come to know Jesus as their personal Saviour
  3. For the smooth completion of our green card application
  4. For God’s richest blessing on our partners, in each area of their lives.

Happy New Year!

Click here to see some recent photo’s

Hooray – One Year Today

Coke BearOne year ago today, at the O.R. Tambo International Airport we waved goodbye to our family and started the adventure of serving as missionaries outside our home country. We bravely stepped onto the airplane, certain that we were answering God’s call.

A year later, we are even more convinced of His calling and look back at the year with gratefulness to Him and to our partners.

Reflecting on the year, here are the highs and the lows of our experiences:

The Highs:

  1. Experiencing the Lord’s provision at a new level, despite the weakening Rand.
  2. Being used by God at the Global Headquarters as we join with others in seeing the Great Commission being fulfilled.
  3. Being the first people on our street and welcoming all our neighbours as their homes are completed.
  4. Our new friends and church.
  5. Seeing our children grow in leadership and wisdom despite the challenge of “being different”.
  6. Experiencing so many new and exciting places, foods, cultures and people.

The Lows:

  1. Missing our family and friends.
  2. The cost of living is much higher here.
  3. Language barriers – we wish we could speak Spanish.
  4. Witnessing the universal sinfulness of humankind – you cannot escape crime, poverty and abuse.

To God belongs all the glory for the privilege to serve Him!

Digital Tools

Hong Kong is a buzzing city. I joined 105 participants from 12 countries, mostly from Asia, to collaborate and develop new digital tools to help reach people for Jesus. Here are two of the tools we made one afternoon:

An evangelistic website:

Evangelistic Video: Here I am

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I’m on my way to similar gatherings to be held in Africa (Addis Ababa) and then in Europe (Amsterdam). I’m especially looking forward to connecting with my African brothers and sisters. Each continent has unique needs and connection points with the gospel. Pray that our collaboration will multiply our efforts to provide digital tools for each area.

Last Wednesday we voted in Washington, D.C and felt so privileged to have the opportunity. We are trusting that the voting in South Africa today (7 May) will go as smoothly.

Additional Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for safety in all my travels. After Amsterdam I plan to briefly visit my Mom in South Africa. Her declining health has been a concern to us.
  2. Pray for protection and wisdom for Marie and the children during my absence.
  3. Pray for you, our partners. Your prayer requests showed that many are struggling with job security and in your marriages.

Answers to Prayer:

  1. Thank the Lord for good health and His provision.
  2. For my productive time in Korea and Hong Kong.
  3. Marie did very well in her course.
  4. The children completed their exams and we have one month left before the start of a long summer holiday.

Home Sweet Home

1 House

A Poem from Marie

We say “Home Sweet Home” with gusto,
but recently I asked myself “Is that so?”
Signing our contract was a miracle form God,
being foreigners, living off the Rand, was such a slog.
But the Mighty, Faithful One came through,
He is always to be trusted through and through.

Unpacking was so bitter sweet,
Finding our things after 10 months was a treat.
But unpacking was also a reminder that we are staying,
We are not returning from vacation or playing.
Connected the cable, electricity and water,
we are now Floridians with our very own “gator”.

Every new furniture piece has a story,
a gift from God for His glory.
Our children are on cloud nine,
They now have rooms they can call “mine.”
We happily say “thank you for our Home Sweet Home,”
Knowing you prayed and gave and we were not alone.

Please go and see some of our latest Photos