- Passport – Check
- Toiletries – Check
- Cool clothes – Check
- “must-move-with-us” stuff squashed into remaining gaps – Check
Stefan is preparing for his last visit to our Orlando Headquarters before we relocate there in July 2013. He is there for meetings and strategic planning, but will also be looking for a house, medical aid and a long “to-do” list that his wife is preparing for him.
Please pray for:
- Good flights for Stefan (he is traveling with his maximum luggage allowance)
- Stamina while he is in Orlando
- The right, affordable house in Orlando. The Lord knows our requirements & desires.
- All the big and small “things” to fall into place for our move to happen
- Protection for the rest of the family at home packing. Stefan will be away 21 April – 11 May.
Thank you for your partnership with us!