Celebrate 10 Years Of Growth

Last week was the last of the monthly, global, online conferences Stefan’s church- planting team hosted. When the Covid-19 pandemic struck, some 2,000 Global Church Movements staff members worldwide were suddenly confined to their homes. It seemed that church-planting efforts would screech to a halt. But God had a different plan.

As the world pivoted to online meetings and churches began streaming their services, God began giving creative ideas.

Since July, God has helped Stefan’s team to host a monthly Zoom meeting in eight languages. They called the conference series “Bold Moves,” and every month, we based the theme on a bold move they could take to become better church planters.

When Stefan volunteered to become the conference director for these conferences, he could not have foreseen the challenges he would experience. However, he is looking back now and is in awe of how the Lord has helped them to connect with many church planters. Usually, when they would have a face-to-face conference, they would have, at most, 350 people attend it. Through these online meetings, they could have between 1,300 and 1,800 people attend.

Last week’s conference focused on celebrating what the Lord has done the past ten years through our church-planting efforts. We thought you would enjoy watching this video as you have been part of making it possible. Thank you for your partnership. Click on the image to watch the video.

History of Global Church Movements

We want to pray this blessing over you as put together by some of our church planters from around the world. Click on the image to watch the video.

Blessings Song by Church Planters

Prayer requests:

  1. Praise the Lord for the effective Bold Move conferences and pray that the impact of it will continue to help our church planters.
  2. Marie tested positive for Covid-19 on Saturday, Stefan has also started to feel sick (Monday). Pray for her healing and the rest of the family not to get the virus.