Dell Highlights and Lowlights of 2014

IMG-20141122-WA0001We are grateful to the Lord and you our faithful partners for another year of service in His harvest field. Thank you!

Highlights of 2014

  1. Kenneth and Monica are doing very well at school.
  2.  40 young people from a multitude of countries, who work at Disney, attended our American “Thanksgiving” outreach. 28 indicated that they would like to have further spiritual conversations after hearing the Gospel.
  3. One of our neighbours accepted Jesus and we are building relationships with several others. Many are from other countries and despite some language barriers, it has been an exciting adventure.
  4. The impact of our work on the lives of our missionaries as they use tools and resources our teams develop.
  5. Your faithful prayer and financial support that enable us to see lives changed around the world.
  6. Marie’s mom spend the month of November with us – what a treat!

Lowlights of 2014

  1. We miss “our” people and country, despite many great visits.
  2. The death of our neighbour across the street. We found him unconscious and did CPR until the paramedics arrived. The whole “911” experience was hard but bonded us with the widow.
  3. Four of our South African missionary friends died as martyrs this year (they were serving with other organizations).
  4. Feeling the urgency of a ripe harvest, and insufficient harvesters and resources to collect it.

May you be touched by the significance of the birth of Jesus this Christmas.

We are praying that during 2015 you will experience the Lord in new ways and will be very aware of His guidance, presence and peace.

Merry Christmas!
The Dells

3 thoughts on “Dell Highlights and Lowlights of 2014”

  1. Nice letter, good points. Glad to see you are still just as passionate for people to come to Christ. Glad to hear children are coping in this strange country.

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