Do you have a home yet?

The House

Many of you have been asking, “What is happening with your house?” so here is a quick update.

  1. Our Social Security numbers were available on Wednesday morning – only 3 days after we applied. Most American’s say it is an incredible miracle! We KNOW you prayed for it.
  2. Having Social Security Numbers, and being foreigners confused the Mortgage companies and they didn’t quite know how to proceed with our mortgage application. Two finally got it figured out, so pray that we will get a good interest rate etc.
  3. Our offer for purchase was accepted on Friday.
  4. Pending the final mortgage approval we should be able to move into our home by the end of August. Pray for every person involved in the approval process – especially for Roxanne & Michael.
  5. You can see pictures of the house here and some Maps

It is easy to feel overwhelmed with all these details (and many more, like studying for our drivers licences :-)) but in it all we are experiencing the Lord’s presence and peace. We know your prayers are vital to our survival. Thank you!

2 thoughts on “Do you have a home yet?”

  1. Morning,

    How is the Dell family doing. We heard on the weekend of Naton mom passing. So sad. He is raising suppport so he can go home for the funeral. We serve a awsome God he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask. Praise the Lord he has answered your prayers for all the paper work, favour in choosing your house. I like the design of the house, I am sure you will fit in perfectly. How is the neighbour hood and neighbours. We serve a Supernatural God….So happy for you , happy you found a place. God has a plan he has brought you thus far. Amen. Missing you already. Great your husband and the kids.

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