First His Campus, Now His Community

“The Christian life never meant much more than attending church to Mebrete. As a first-year student in northern Ethiopia, he was challenged to attend a discipleship group. He soon realized that his mission was to study and share Christ!

Attending Evangelism and Discipleship Training, Mebrete groupwas asked to make a plan to win his campus for Christ. He came back with a simple plan–to win his roommates for Jesus, according to Acts 1:8.

Mebrete began making his roommates’ beds, laying his hand on each bed and praying for the salvation of each of his seven roommates (see photo on the right). Today Mebrete tells about the dramatic conversion of six of his roommates before he left campus. The seventh also accepted Christ a year after he graduated. Mebrete helped them grow and become involved in spiritual multiplication. While a student, Mebrete shared the gospel with over 2,000 students, and 35 of them put their faith in Christ.

When about to graduate, Mebrete sensed God’s call to become a missionary in one of the most difficult parts of Ethiopia. He started sharing the gospel on the Ethio-Sudan border, and people began responding.

The new church Mebrete planted has grown to over 50 members and become self-sustainable, with local leaders and financial support raised in this resistant area. When Mebrete felt it was time to leave the church in local hands, he moved to Azezo and planted a second church, mentoring the leaders of the first church from a distance. The second church now has over 20 members.”

Stories like these reminds us of God’s power to use a humble, obedient person. Pray with us that we would also be like Mebrete.

Stefan is currently in South Asia meeting with church planters. Please pray for his safety and that he would be an encouragement and support to our church planters.

Marie is on her way to Canada to speak at a conference of global digital strategy leaders. This surprise invitation came as a result of her testimony about Peter’s death. She would appreciate your prayers. Also pray for Kenneth and Monica and their American “grandparents”, Keith and Kay, that are looking after them while their parents are traveling.

Your prayers encourage us. Thank you!

  • Mebrete’s name has been changed for his security.