From Desperation To Salvation

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This young man turned 13 on January 6th.

At the start of 2016, it is good to look back at what God is doing. He is stirring people to seek Him out, and then speaking to their hearts in life-changing ways. The numbers below show the big picture of His work through one of our evangelistic websites,

                      VISITS                     DECISIONS FOR CHRIST

2015              22,302,684               333,910

2014              18,901,179               251,269

2013              11,012,987               169,178

2012              5,060,560                76,359

One young woman’s story gives a glimpse behind these numbers.  People find in various ways–someone’s recommendation, an article or video on Twitter or Facebook, etc.  Rachel was among the majority, who find through their own Google search.

She wrote, “I struggled with loneliness, anxiety, and moodiness. I finally got to a point of wanting out of the negativity. I dove into Buddhism/Zen, meditation, crystal/energy healing, and finally, Chakra healing.

“I knew God existed; I think I was just purposely denying Him. Replacing the name of God with “universe” felt so much easier. The last straw was when I paid nearly $200 for an online Chakra healing program that PROMISED happiness forever. I was desperate.

“I was alone in my room, putting all my hope into this program, and about to watch a live introductory seminar. In my heart I heard, ‘You don’t need this; turn it off.’ And I did.

“I got to your website with a question I typed into Google. Once I found it, I was stuck on it. You write in such a friendly, approachable, and comprehensible way. Finally I could understand who Jesus is.

“I felt so invited by Him through your site to be in a relationship with Him. I prayed a prayer of salvation on my knees in my room after reading one of your articles and have been changing ever since. I am so thankful for getting to know Jesus and for the way I am changing and growing. I am loving my journey.”

When we hear stories like Rachel’s, we not only give praise to the Lord for His grace, but we also thank Him for your partnership with us, enabling us to serve Him.

We would appreciate your prayers for Stefan as he travels to the Middle East today to attend a conference for our staff members that work in countries that are closed to the gospel. Pray that he would be able to encourage them, especially the technology leaders.

Your Missionaries