From Drunkard to Church Planter

Nelaam*, was lying in hospital in an Asian country, nearly paralyzed from alcohol poisoning. Out of desperation, he had cut himself repeatedly. One of our church-planting pastors visited him. The pastor explained the gospel. Nelaam believed and became a follower of Christ.

Nelaam is now married to a wonderful Christian wife (who came from the dominant religion). This couple shows people the “JESUS” film and use a strategy called “Prayer, Care, Share”. They have lead 20 of the 100 families in their village to the Lord!

In this Asian country, in a grand vision, staff members are working to train 4,200 new lay leaders like Nelaam in their nation. These trained workers will plant churches using the “JESUS” film, implement the “Prayer, Care, Share” and other strategies. The results to date are extraordinary. Of 700,000 villages, 300,000 now have a church! Staff members hope to see a church planted in each of the remaining 400,000 villages, many in the most challenging areas.

As Stefan work with the church planting leader of this vast country, we want to do everything we can to help him and the other Spirit-filled workers fulfill the great vision, particularly in the difficult areas. Above all, they need prayer.

We want to ask for your intercession for the church planting teams. Please pray for their protection, that God will restrain radicals, open hearts and whole villages to receive the gospel. Pray also for us, as we encourage and assist with operational support, that the Lord will make us sensitive to His guidance. Would you also pray for the protection of our family? Recently we have experienced many kinds of difficulties that could make us feel discouraged and we recognize the influence of the evil one in it.

Thank you so much for enabling us to serve our church planting missionaries around the world.

*Name Changed