Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving Blocks Today Americans commemorate Thanksgiving, a celebration that dates back to the Pilgrims in 1621 as they thanked God for the harvest. In 1777, Congress proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November a National Day of Thanksgiving.

Despite any circumstance, we all have so much to give thanks for, so let us be people of gratitude.

For example, last week we participated in a “Thanksgiving Feast” outreach for interns at Disney World. The interns come from all over the world. Nearly 200 young people attended, and after two powerful salvation testimonies, a gospel presentation was made. Several of the interns indicated an interest in spiritual matters. Marie is doing follow-up with a girl from Uganda and a Zulu girl from Port Shepstone.

Two days later, Marie spoke to 40 students at Monica’s school about film translations, using the JESUS film as an example. She was able to hand out “JESUS for Children” DVD’s to all the children. Because you can’t speak about religion in public schools, she was very careful, then amazed, when the two teachers asked her to also show a short film used to start spiritual conversations. Here are 2 links to examples:  Jesus Film Media and Global Short Films

Please pray that the students and their families will watch the DVD’s.

As we eat our turkey, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie this afternoon with co-workers – be sure that your name will be on our list of people we are grateful for!