Happy Thanksgiving!

16-11-thanksgivingToday we celebrate Thanksgiving here in America. And we have much to be thankful for!

Firstly, we are thankful for our wonderful partners that enable us to serve the Lord full time. Thank you for your prayers, sacrificial giving and encouragement.

We are also grateful for an invitation by the family of Kenneth’s new friend, Lloyd, to spend the day with them. Thanksgiving is the most popular time of the year for families to be together, so it is a real treat to be invited as non-family. Since Lloyd and his family moved to Florida recently from Pennsylvania, their family is far and they adopted us as their family for today.

As part of the Thanksgiving tradition, we ate turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, pumpkin and sweet potato dishes, and we drank Apple cider. We also watched parts of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade on TV. This parade started 90 years ago in New York. You can watch parts of today’s parade here. We also watched some American football.

As proof, the photo above was taken just after the turkey came out the oven.

Thank the Lord with us for this special opportunity we had today and pray that we will continue to form deep friendships with Eric, Kathy, Lloyd and Isabel.

Happy Thanksgiving!