Highlights and Lowlights of 2016

Our hope for a white Christmas did not become a reality, but we had the privilege to escape the bustle and flatness of Florida for the beautiful mountains of Tennessee. The quality family time around a fireplace in the cold was good for our souls.

It also gave us time to reflect on 2016 and God’s hand over us.

Highlights of 2016:

  1. Two grannies, a grandpa, an aunt and 2 cousins came to visit us this year.
  2. Marie celebrated her Mom’s 70th birthday with all her siblings in South Africa.
  3. We received our Green cards, it makes working here as foreigners much easier.
  4. The children settled well into their new school and the Cambridge program.
  5. Continued open doors to share the gospel in many places around the world and for the new ways the gospel is penetrating closed countries. For example, our ministry’s digital tools had 32.2 million unique users in 2016.
  6. Our faithful ministry partners that sacrificially enable us to remain in full-time ministry.

Lowlights of 2016:

  1. Hurricane Matthew – thankfully we were spared the brunt of it, but it was a scary experience.
  2. Kenneth’s broken leg in July. Grateful that it healed well.
  3. Two neighbours that we built the strongest relationships with, moved this year. A frustrating reality of today’s society.
  4. Journeying with several ministry partners and co-workers that have walked hard roads during 2016.

We are entering 2017 with great anticipation! There are some exciting changes awaiting us. Stay tuned!

Our prayer for you for 2017 is from Psalm 20:4

“May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!”