Hooray – One Year Today

Coke BearOne year ago today, at the O.R. Tambo International Airport we waved goodbye to our family and started the adventure of serving as missionaries outside our home country. We bravely stepped onto the airplane, certain that we were answering God’s call.

A year later, we are even more convinced of His calling and look back at the year with gratefulness to Him and to our partners.

Reflecting on the year, here are the highs and the lows of our experiences:

The Highs:

  1. Experiencing the Lord’s provision at a new level, despite the weakening Rand.
  2. Being used by God at the Global Headquarters as we join with others in seeing the Great Commission being fulfilled.
  3. Being the first people on our street and welcoming all our neighbours as their homes are completed.
  4. Our new friends and church.
  5. Seeing our children grow in leadership and wisdom despite the challenge of “being different”.
  6. Experiencing so many new and exciting places, foods, cultures and people.

The Lows:

  1. Missing our family and friends.
  2. The cost of living is much higher here.
  3. Language barriers – we wish we could speak Spanish.
  4. Witnessing the universal sinfulness of humankind – you cannot escape crime, poverty and abuse.

To God belongs all the glory for the privilege to serve Him!

4 thoughts on “Hooray – One Year Today”

  1. Lovely to hear from you. How quickly this year has gone by. Thank you for keeping contact, we think of you often and admire you for what you are doing. You have seen so much of the world already and God is faithful. Our children in England also started their new year in Sept. Daryn in Gr. 5 and Ryan Gr. 1. They are keen soccer players, especially Daryn having been chosen to play in the school’s A team. A good athlete too. The weather changing now to winter and clocks also, 2 hours behind us. Thank you for your latest story Marie, and wonderful that through the DVD Anna shared so many came to know Jesus. Will continue to pray for the children at school and for you all. Lots of love Illona

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