House signed

House SigningAt 9:15 pm we walked out of the Title Company Office, exhausted, overjoyed and homeowners! It has been a roller-coaster day. At 2 pm our mortgage was approved and we could get all the contracts signed this evening.

God worked so clearly that the estate agent asked about all the people praying. Thank you for being present through your prayers!

Tomorrow is another big day for us with our presentation at our Headquarters. We covet your prayers, especially since we are so tired. Pray that our testimony will bring others closer to Jesus.

Your Grateful Missionaries

4 thoughts on “House signed”

  1. Hooray, hooray! Very happy for you guys. I’m sure you will create many wonderful memories in your new place.

  2. Wonderful news that purchase is finalised! Since we have just purchased a two-bedroom cottage in a retirement complex, and have been trying to sell our house over the last two months, we understand the emotional roller-coaster buying a house involves.
    For us it is a real lesson in patience. We have an offer on our house, but are waiting approval for the purchaser’s bond. Your prayers are also appreciated.

    God bless


    P.S. My small payment was a pleasure.
    I will be meeting with Rob Reimers and Cedric Parker on Monday to discuss setting up an online consultancy. We may wish to tap into your expertise.

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