How To Find Comfort

One of the joys of our roles at the global head office is the privilege to help equip missionaries around the world with training and resources. 

Meet Comfort in this 7-minute video. It showcases her journey of discovering Jesus on her mobile phone and the impact of our ministry. Marie is blessed to have helped the team in Ghana over the years. 

Imagine thousands of people who are finding Jesus like Comfort. This is what we do to help seekers find Jesus online, grow in their faith, and train them to share the gospel with others. Comfort’s story shows a full circle of digital ministry impact. Comfort now serves with our local ministry in Ghana.

We feel so honored to have you on this journey with us! God has done great things these last few years, and we are so blessed to call you friends and partners.

Continue to pray with us for many to find Jesus.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Thank the Lord that Kenneth started at the University of Florida. Pray for him to find a Christian community to join.
  2. Pray for Comfort and our missionaries around the world as they share the gospel.
  3. Pray for our church planters and their efforts, especially for creativity, as the pandemic requires new ways of safely connecting with people.

2 thoughts on “How To Find Comfort”

  1. Dear Stefan and Marie,
    I praise God for all you are allowing Him to do through you at the global office to equip us around the world.

    Priase God for comfort. I have had to work with her a couple of times during Netsuite implementation for our Atea (West Africa).

    Thanks for sharing. I just prayed for Kenneth and your work.
    God bless you.

    1. Dear Jenom,

      So sorry for this very late response. Somehow your message did not come through to us until now. Thank you for all your prayers and may the Lord richly bless you!

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