Hurrican Matthew

√ All bathtubs and containers filled with water

√ Kitchen stocked

√ Flashlights and extra batteries ready

√ School and offices close till Monday

We are preparing for our first hurricane, and it is a big one, projected to be a Category 4.

We would appreciate your prayers for Florida. We know that God has us, our neighbors and friends in His hands.

Also pray for the countries that have already taken the brunt of Hurricane Matthew – Haiti, Cuba, Caribbean Islands and Bahamas.

We hope to give an update on Saturday if conditions allow.

6 thoughts on “Hurrican Matthew”

  1. Thought & prayers for u all – God keep u safe & dry!

    Pray for the chaotic state of our universities – mayhem at the moment.

    Lots of love.

  2. Psalm 32:7
    You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah.

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