
Indigitous Screen

Indigitous (Indigenous + Digital) is a movement of Christians passionate about connecting people to Jesus using digital strategies and tools. I was privileged to be a part of the first conference in Waterloo, Canada last week where I met many people that are natives of the digital world. They are Indigitous! Here is a little video to introduce you to the idea.

[iframe http://www.youtube.com/embed/dzAA_erBcag?rel=0 100%]

If you can not see the Video please view it HERE

Pray especially for the next Indigitous conference for Latin America and the Caribbean in Panama next week. Pray also for my co-worker, Miheret from Ethiopia as he prepares to host the Indigitous meeting for Africans in Addis Ababa from 7-11 May next year.