Irma and Infographics

Garden Furniture and Pot Plants Squeezed into the Garage Because of Hurricane Irma.

This week could not have turned out more topsy turvy than what it did.

Hurricane Irma is heading our way and she has caused major panic for those awaiting her arrival and  left terrible destruction in her wake. We have prepared ourselves as best we know how for her arrival.

Her arrival also impacted my (Marie) departure time for Denver where I will attend a content strategy* training next week. I will now enjoy an extra day in Denver while praying for the safety of my family and fellow Floridians. Please join me in prayer! Stefan and the children will be staying home.

Despite the upheaval, I’m super excited about this week of training. In the past 18 months, I have had more and more opportunities to be involved with thinking through content for different platforms (web, social media etc.)  of Campus Crusade (or Cru as it is called here in America).

Being “findable” with our content online when people are searching for spiritual things has been an important part of what our ministry does. But we also want the people we meet online to move forward in their relationship with Christ, and this is always more difficult.

The past 3 months, our ministry made some intentional efforts to learn to connect with two of our online audience segments so we can help them move forward. We called these two groups, “Millennial Christians in a New City” and “Young Christians on Social Media”.

We listened to about 100 people in each of these categories and summarized what they said about themselves and what we learned in these two infographics.

Young Christians on Social Media infographic Young Christians on Social Media (infographic)

 Millennial Christians in a New City (infographic)

With what we learned we can create themes and content for future online outreaches and update existing ministry efforts. The ability to better know our audience means presenting the gospel and opportunities for spiritual growth more effectively.

I have so much to learn and I’m excited to be part of this journey. Please pray for me to soak up all the information next week and for a special bonding time with two co-workers that are joining me on the course.

Thank you for being part of our ministry through your prayers and financial support. Our work together results in people finding hope and growth through Jesus!

* Content Strategy as defined by Kristina Halvorson, the author of Content Strategy for the Web is  Planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content.

2 thoughts on “Irma and Infographics”

  1. We are keeping you in our prayers. We trust that you will be safe during the storm. (Irma).

    Thinking of you.

    Kind Regards

    Koot & Riana.

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