We are excited that her.Bible, the audio Bible in women’s voices that Monica and I worked on, is now also available on the YouVersion App. With over 210,518 active users who’ve played more than 3 million chapters in 2023, your prayers for this project are encouraging.
We celebrate the launch of their first YouVersion reading plan, “Journey from Anxiety to Peace,” in honor of International Women’s Day!

We love testimonies like this one from Caryn.
“I don’t think I knew I needed this audio version until I started listening…finding myself in a different place emotionally as I heard God’s Word in these beautiful, nurturing voices…as if a mother, sister, or aunt were reading the words over me. I know I’m not the only one.”

Coaching Women for More Languages
The her.Bible team is having great conversations with individuals from several countries to record the Bible in women’s voices in their local languages!
- Katy, the first woman to enter their coaching program launched heraudiobible.org.uk (NIV) for International Women’s Day in voices from the U.K.
- The Biblica team in Egypt will have an Arabic New Testament available later this year.
Prayer Requests:
- Praise the Lord for the impact of her.Bible.
- Pray that more people will be coached to record their languages.
- Pray for Stefan and his church planting team as they meet in Columbia this week for their bi-annual in-person meeting. They have a full agenda and trust the Lord for wisdom and direction in many situations.
- Monica and Kenneth start their exams soon. Pray for wisdom and a calm spirit.