Less Than One Week…..


Passports – Check              Winter clothes – Check                Excitement – Check, Check

Less than one week to our departure for South Africa on 3 June, and we can’t wait!

Please continue to pray for our furlough preparation, and especially our emotional readiness. A lot has changed in our lives and in the lives of our family and friends over these two years. Pray that despite the changes, we would be able to reconnect with everyone.

Stories like the one below fill us with joy! Thank you for playing your part.

African Woman Shares Faith Against All Odds

[Collecting “changed life” stories like this one is a way Marie’s Team support the global leaders of CCC. We find and edit stories that show multiplying disciples as we try to illustrate and document our progress toward the goal of 10 million multiplying disciples by 2020. This greatly encourages others to keep sharing the gospel and making disciples (Matt. 28), and helps our national leaders continue to press on toward the goal of 10 million multiplying disciples.]

Growing up in an African nation where Christians face persecution for their beliefs, Teresa felt isolated as a new follower of Jesus. Her community has no churches. Believers who meet together must do so discreetly. Despite challenges, Teresa felt called to grow in her walk with Christ and to share the love of Jesus with her community.



It’s unsafe to discuss such topics openly, so Teresa turned to the internet for answers and found HabeshaStudent.com, the Amharic version of EveryStudent.com. She began emailing volunteers and staff who provide support to the website. Her primary concern? How to share the gospel without access to a printed Bible.

Efram, a volunteer with HabeshaStudent, introduced her to an Amharic Bible app for feature phones that he developed during an Indigitous event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She now uses this app to share the gospel with her friends and family.

Teresa is especially concerned about helping family members know Jesus. “If I don’t share the gospel with them, who will?” she asked. Upon her urging, Teresa’s family has started reading one chapter of the Bible every time they meet.

Though unsafe to meet in groups larger than three or four, Teresa leads a Bible study out of her home. She’s passionate about evangelism, knowing what is at stake. “Whenever I think about eternity, I get shivers,” she says.“It is not good that our brothers and sisters will go to eternal death as a result of not knowing the truth.”

Because of Campus Crusade’s  digital strategies ministry, Teresa now has the evangelistic materials that fit her context and that she couldn’t get locally. “Nobody around me was able to give me advice on how I could serve and do ministry, but even if you are 1,000 kilometers from me, God used you ( Digital Strategies) to equip me for this work.”

4 thoughts on “Less Than One Week…..”

  1. Praise God for people like Teresa and Efram all over the world, playing their different to help liberate souls for God. And also, I bless God for Marie and her team as they support our global leaders by collecting ‘changed lives’ stories. Thank you for sharing. Do have a memorable time of reconnection with family and MPs in South Africa during your furlough.

  2. What excitement for you to return to SA after 2 years! Will pray for travelling mercies for you on 3rd June and safe arrival in SA. May you have an enjoyable trip and reconnecting with family whilst here. Look forward to seeing you then. I received Marie’s email re possibility of calling on us.
    Love Illona Grant

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