Making Your Life Count

Stefan’s News:

Meeting our global ministry leaders and missionaries always encourages me. I then hear first hand how the tools/platforms we develop and work on, help them to reach people for Jesus.The past month I had the joy of attending our global church planters conference, our global technology leaders meeting and connecting with missionaries that work in some countries that are very closed to the the gospel. I thank God for your partnership with me that enables me to serve them.


Global Technology Leaders

Please pray for my Mom who is in hospital with a pulmonary embolism.

Marie’s News:

Many Christians pray that the Lord would help them to make their lives count for Him. Dr. Steve Douglass, the president of Campus Crusade for Christ, for many years have motivated believers to make their lives count by walking closely with the Lord, praying for God’s supernatural help, caring for others and sharing what God has shown you.

For the last year our team worked closely with him to make these principles available to an audience that would not necessarily hear it from him or any of our missionaries. On March 1st, we launched in conjunction with his daily radio program that has a listener audience of over 5 million listeners.

This has been an exciting but daunting task. Please pray with us that thousands of believers will be encouraged to become multiplying disciples in their communities. Please visit the site to see how God can use our partnership to encourage believers – maybe you will also learn something new.

2 thoughts on “Making Your Life Count”

  1. Thanks guys for the very cool updates. You are definitely making your life count for Him! We speak and pray about you all the time. Love looking at your teenager. Very handsome indeed! How’s the tuba playing coming? Stefan, praying your trip to the Middle East is fruitful and encouraging! Marie, praying Gods angels around you and the kids.

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