Maria Magdalena

My names, Maria Magdalena also belonged to my Dutch grandmother and a special lady in the Bible. After seeing the poor treatment of women in a closed country, Willie and Marie helped retell the story of Jesus from Mary Magdalene’s perspective. The South African couple contrasted the treatment of women in that country with Jesus’ interactions with women. This birthed the film “Magdalene – released from shame”.

13 05 Mag ShowThe film has been seen in many countries with tremendous impact. The Lord used the Afrikaans premier of “Magdalena – bevry van skande” in Kimberley on 24 May 2013 to unite seven churches to share the gospel.

The translation of the film into South African languages has been difficult. Please pray for:

  • The finalisation of the Xhosa and Zulu versions.
  • The Afrikaans version to change many lives.

Interested in buying the “Magdalena – bevry van skande” or any other Jesus Film products? Contact CCCSA Media or call +27 (0) 12 347 6981

Pray for us:

  • Praise the Lord for Stefan’s good trip to the USA and for fruitful meetings with his team
  • Continue to pray for the right house – Stefan was not able to find something.
  • Our work permit interview is on 21 May @ 9:00. Pray for favour
  • We move out of our home at the end of May. Pray for a smooth transition & all the arrangements. We will move into a friend’s townhouse until our departure in July.

Your Missionary

Maria Magdalena (Marié) Dell

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