One highlight of a sabbatical is the opportunity to linger in God’s presence through time in His Word and prayer. I want to share a quick truth that I was mulling over during my sabbatical.
A few months before the start of my sabbatical, I was working on a big project and found myself paralyzed to move forward with what I knew I needed to do. I discussed this with a good friend, and she asked me some questions that led me to a sad discovery.
As a planner, I was projecting the different possible outcomes of my project and imagined the worst possible scenario. That in itself is not wrong – but when it paralyzes you because every solution you have thought about does not factor God in, you have a problem!
I realized that none of my outcomes included that the Lord would always be with me (as He promised in Heb. 13:5), and even if the worst happened, He would never leave me. The discovery pained me that despite my years of following Jesus, my lack of trust still crept up on me.
Sabbatical allowed me the time and opportunity to refocus my belief and trust in the Lord and the truth of what He represents. I studied the book of John and discovered that Jesus often used the phrase “I tell you the truth.” I’ve been soaking up the truths He told His disciples.
In John 18:38, Pilate asks Jesus, “What is truth?”
It has also become one of my mottos – when I plan and project the possible outcomes, I ask, “What is truth?” This helps me focus on the Lord and remember that He is with me and will be with me, even if the worst happens.
I am grateful for your prayers for us. Thank the Lord for His continued journey with us, and pray that we will trust Him more and more every day.
Your missionary,
While on sabbatical, I had an opportunity to create a book of quotes about love for our Hindu neighbours as a wedding gift. It was fun and they were stunned by the thoughtfulness. Here are three of the pages.

Hi Marie🌷
Dankie vir jou boodskap.
Ek sê: Amen!
Ek moes myself ook die laaste week herinner dat God my toekoms reeds ken. Selfs as ek keuses maak wat die 2de of 3de beste keuse is omdat ek Sy antwoord nog nie reg hoor nie of Sy plan nig nie mooi insien nie, kan dit dalk my pad moeiliker of langer maak maar Hy sal dit toelaat en Hy ken ook dié pad se uitkoms alreeds.
Hy ken ons harte en ons begeerte om Hom te dien en Hy sal by ons wees, soos Hy jou ook weer in Sy groot liefde laat onthou het.
Ek dank die Vader vir die moeite wat Hy met jou doen en is bly jy kon die kosbare rus- en fokustyd beleef.
Mag Hy jou paaie gelyk maak en vir jou krag, moed en energie gee vir wat jy weet jy moet doen.
Groete by die huis 🌸