Meet Moonshadow


We are well but would appreciate your prayers for the following:
  1. Stefan will be in Korea and Hong Kong from 4-13 April. Please pray for safe travels and fruitful interactions as he learns how to serve our staff members in that region.
  2. Marie will be attending an “Old Testament Survey” course next week (7-11 April). Pray that she will learn a lot while juggling all her responsibilities.
  3. Kenneth and Monica are writing important State-wide Math, Reading and Science exams on 14 & 15 April. The grading influence many things so they are under pressure to perform well. Pray that they have clear minds and peace during the exams.
  4. Stefan’s mother, Lynne, is currently in hospital with various health struggles. Please pray for her and the health workers.
Meet Moonshadow – our adopted tom cat! Here in America the rules for keeping a pet are different, but we are learning fast. Since his arrival on Sunday, he had brought us lots of joy.
We appreciate you prayers!

2 thoughts on “Meet Moonshadow”

    1. Hi Maggie
      Firstly, here there are rules 🙂 – in South Africa there are not many must/must-not’s (in fact, besides the requirement of rabies shots, I can’t think of anything else). For example – with us adopting Moonshadow from Spay a Stray, we had to sign a contract in which we said that we would never de-claw him or let him outside the house. In South Africa, our cats were free to come and go as they wanted & when we played outside, they were always with us. A new thing for us now is to clean a litter box & cutting his nails :). By letting them outside, both those things were taken care of. So nothing bad or wrong – just different. Thanks for asking.

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