Modern Missions…

Hudson Taylor sailed to China.
William Carey sailed to India.
The Dells flew to Orlando.

As we reflected on how different our lives are to the “Fathers of Modern Missions” we have much to celebrate this first month as missionaries serving away from home:

  1. We have Skype – not a single week has gone by without connecting with our families and we can see & hear them. Contrast that with sending a letter by ship.
  2. We have email/whatsapp/sms – instant communications with our partners
  3. No language barriers (although it would help if we could speak Spanish)
  4. GPS & Google Maps!
  5. Google – to search for information about our drivers test, insurance quotes and the stationary needs for our children at school. Everything available on the internet.

What we have in common with Hudson and William:

  1.  A deep commitment to see people come to know Jesus – seeing how technology is helping people hear about Jesus, thrills us
  2. Missing our friends & family at home
  3. Faithful partners that pray for us and remember our financial needs
  4. Stress as we learn to adjust to our new country and culture

Driving Signals

Driving on the other side of the road requires training.

Pray with us for:

  1. Our drivers licence test on Monday, 19 August
  2. Kenneth & Monica start school on Monday, 19 August
  3. Finalisation of our home purchase
  4. Wisdom for Stefan as he takes on his new role. He is flying to San Diego today (15 Aug) for meetings regarding mobile phone training for pastors.