Greetings from South Africa!
We travelled the Garden Route to show our children the Cape coast’s beautiful sights and connect with some of you. We love catching up with people, hearing what God is doing in your lives, and sharing what we have seen God do in our lives and around the world. We are having a wonderful time. It is good for our souls to be back!
Monica is excited to join a youth mission trip with our Johannesburg church, Rosebank Union, this Sunday, 26 June – 3 July. They will travel to the Thembalethu Nkomazi Centre in Jeppes Reef, Mpumalanga, where they will host a children’s bible club and sports clinic and do maintenance projects around the centre.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for the group’s safe travels and that the Lord will prepare the hearts of those they minister to next week.
- Pray that each participant will get to know and love Jesus more.
- Pray that Monica will bond quickly with the group and make good friends with her fellow participants.
We recently heard this inspiring story from one of our elderly church planters in North Africa – he had preached at a church in the countryside where many people received Christ. As he headed home, the civil resistance group met him and accused him of being a traitor, working for the military. They were armed and forced him to walk 18 hours over mountains to their village, with no water till his feet were blistered and bleeding. On arriving there, he was thrown into prison. The other inmates asked him to preach, and many accepted Christ!
After his release, he praises God: “I had to walk 18 hours for those prisoners to hear the Gospel!”
May we all have the same attitude as this dear man!
Thank you for your partnership with us.