New Opportunities To Equip More People

Amid lockdowns, restrictions on travel, and uncertainties, Stefan’s team had a great idea. Why not have an online conference for our nearly 3,000 church planters and partners?

We have never attempted to do something like this. Usually, we will have smaller, localized conferences because of the cost involved. But COVID-19 is allowing us the opportunity to experiment and try something new.

On 14 and 15 July, for three hours each day, they will virtually bring together our church planters from over 150 countries and will offer translations into 7 languages. Each language will have a specific link to follow the short presentations and then go into virtual groups to discuss what they have learned and how they can implement it in their own ministry.

Stefan, the conference director, shares, “We desire for every church planter to have the mindset of multiplication in everything that they do. We will be looking to whet their appetite by sharing examples from around the world of others living that out.”

Please pray for the following:

  1. For the conference:
    • That the church planters will be encouraged and motivated towards the task of fulfilling the Great Commission.
    • All the technical stuff – Internet connectivity, conference platform, speaker and system transitions
    • The translation of the conference – for people to understand.
    • Follow through by teams, cities, and nations after the meeting. That partnership opportunities may be discovered and explored.
  2. We are taking some required theological training until 24 July. These courses are our last ones to fulfill all the requirements of our organization. We are excited to be completing this but need stamina and diligence for it amid all our other responsibilities.
  3. For Kenneth and Monica to enjoy the last few weeks of their summer vacation. They are due to go back to school on 10 August.

Be assured of our prayers as we all make adjustments to living with the reality of COVID-19. May the Lord flood you with peace and a strong sense of His presence.