The Global Executive Team planning together.
Last week Marie’s team released the annual report they compiled for Campus Crusade for Christ International and we thought you would enjoy this story from the report.
After a Bombing, New Life
In 2003 Ketut* masterminded a suicide bombing that killed 12 people in a country in Southeast Asia. In the aftermath he heard about Jesus and began to read the Bible. After two years of reading, the bombing mastermind decided he must surrender his life to Jesus. His brother tried to kill Ketut when he learned about his new faith. Several years later, Ketut’s brother also came to faith in Christ.
The brothers are now local church leaders in their Southeast Asian community. Recently, Unto®, the humanitarian part of our ministry, helped them drill a clean water well in their city, which fostered a new openness to the gospel. People were curious about why Christians would care for them. Since the well drilling, 55 people in this largely unreached community have come to faith in Christ.
Even the woman who built the bomb Ketut used in 2003 has put her faith in Jesus. She will host two Unto women’s health clinics later this year, opening more doors to share the message of hope with those who have never heard.
* Name changed for security reasons
Our God continues to change individuals and communities. Praise Him!
Prayer Requests:
- Marie’s meetings in Panama went well. Thank you for your prayers for her. You can see a few fun photos from Panama in this link.
- Pray for an opening at a retirement home for Stefan’s mother.
- Praise the Lord that Kenneth is enjoying his new job.
- Pray for our Muslim friends that the Lord will reveal Himself to them as they search for God during Ramadan.
- Pray for all the teams that are planning Easter outreaches around the world.