I (Marie) grew up seeing my father on his knees, praying for God to reveal Himself to those behind the Iron Curtain. When Communism fell, we celebrated it and shed tears of joy, and he recalled how he had joined believers around the world to pray for that to happen for many years.
Then his focus, and that of many believers, shifted to the Muslim world, praying for God to reveal Himself to millions of seekers.
We just completed 30 days of prayer and fasting for Muslims during their Ramadan month of fasting. My father passed away, but I wish I could have shared with him some of the stories I heard this month. Here are a few:
Surge in Subscribers to Arabic Church Online
More than 10,000 Arab-speaking Muslims in a closed Middle Eastern nation subscribed to our Arabic Church Online YouTube channel.
A Million Face Masks
In one country, our staff members and partnering churches have started distributing one million face masks to reach people for Christ.
The face mask comes with an evangelistic booklet and a note that says, “If you would like to have true peace, please visit these websites.” The websites have videos and articles to help point them to Christ as well as the “JESUS” film in their local language.
To date, 850,000 facemasks and booklets have been distributed through 805 churches in 63 provinces or cities in this secure country. This has helped ease restrictions for the church planters because authorities see that they are helping the communities.
No Restrictions Can Stop God
In a highly restricted country, eighty people have accepted Christ online during this month.
One young man, who we will call Matt, accepted Jesus on 12 May. He completed all of the basic follow-up lessons, and the week after he believed, he saw three others accept Christ as he shared the Truth that he had just found! Matt is now discipling these new believers, going through the basic follow-up lessons with them.
When our team met Matt online, he had Covid-19 and was searching for Truth. It’s fantastic to see through his story that NOTHING can stop the move of God’s Spirit. Not a global pandemic. Not an illness. Not strict lockdowns. Not even some of the highest security situations in the world.
Thank you
We know you are reading these stories in your hard circumstances due to the pandemic. Again, we want to thank you for your continued partnership with us as we bring the Good news to a hopeless world. We trust that your hope in Jesus will be real and encouraging for others around you. Be assured that we are praying for you!