Pain Is Never Wasted

When our winking son, Peter, died in 2010, several people mentioned 2 Corinthians 1:4 “so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive”  as encouragement that the Lord will one day use our story.

In December, I (Marie) was helping the Social Media team prepare content for the first few months of 2017. For February, the focus would be how God minister in our brokenness. As we brainstormed, I mentioned our own brokenness after Peter’s death and offered our story.

This past week, a video of my story was published and within days, over 13 000 people watched it and it was shared by nearly 100 people.

I thank the Lord for this opportunity and I’m also humbled by the truth that our pain is never wasted.

Thank you for your prayers the past seven years as we walked the road of grief.