Rat Attack?


“From the interactions this week I have made more progress on my project than I’ve made in months!”

Someone commented after our time together in Budapest as technology leaders of Campus Crusade. It is so true that collaboration and inspiration from others spurs everyone on to greater heights for the Lord’s glory. Thank you for praying for meeting in Hungary.

Please pray for:

  1. Continued progress in the many projects our team is working on for God’s glory.
  2. Our Mortgage approval so that we can receive the keys on Friday (27 Sept.)
  3. Wisdom and stamina for Stefan in a number of big meetings the next 10 days.
  4. A presentation we, the Dells, are doing on Tuesday (1 Oct.) to all the Headquarters staff members about our journey of faith. We feel privileged to tell the story of God’s grace in our lives.

On a lighter note, we received Disney World tickets as a gift and it was everything and more than what we expected!

Mickey Mouse greetings!

3 thoughts on “Rat Attack?”

  1. Hi Stefan en Marie
    Soos julle seker al weet kom ek en Elspeth van die 7de Oktober na Amerika!

    Ons is in LA Monterey vanaf die 8ste Oktober tot die 13de Oktober

    Vanaf die 14de Oktober is ons in Orlando, soos ek verstaan bly ek by Oom Willie Erasmus hulle. Dit sal great wees om julle te sien, dankie vir julle nuusbriewe! Ek wil vir julle ‘n guns vra.

    Ek ry die 17de November weer die 94.7 km fietswedren en ek sal moet oefen wanneer ek daar is, is daar ‘n gemnasium en wat gaan dit my kos? Hoeveel dollars per uur?

    Ek hoop julle kry my boodskap.

    Sien julle binnekort.


  2. I like Kennth’s Springbok shirt in the photo. If course, if you like green, the Green Bay Packers is always a very good choice in my book. 😉

    1. You should see the 4 of us on Fridays – we all wear our Springbok T-shirts, even to the office!

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