Slow but Steady

13 09 01 Fuel

Slow, but steady best describes our settling-in process thus far. And the word “queues” paints a picture of how I spent most of my time this past month. Every task to make us Floridians has required standing in a queue. The good news is that we now have driver’s licenses, insurance, license plates and registered vehicles. We have uploaded some new photos here.

Give thanks for:

  1. God’s calling that is confirmed every day.
  2. Our ongoing progress with our paperwork.

A big disappointment was that we could not move into our new home due to problems with the mortgage application. A new date for our move is now 26 September. Our colleagues, Keith and Kay, have been amazingly patient by allowing us to continue to stay with them.

Pray for:

  1. The mortgage application to be successful.
  2. The children as they learn the new system at school. It had a few surprises.
  3. Stefan and his team will be in Budapest from 6-13 September for their twice-a-year Technology Leader’s meeting. This time of collaboration is strategic to help our missionaries spread the gospel.

Standing in the queues gave me extra time to pray for you and I thanked God for your part in enabling us to be here.

Your queuing missionary,


2 thoughts on “Slow but Steady”

    1. Dankie Marina – ek het gedink ek moet myself ‘n footjie gee vir goeie diens! Ek wonder wat hulle hier sou “tip”?

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