Snippets of Good News

It is hard not to drown in the daily negativity and political divisiveness around us. We are so grateful for having hope in Jesus and for your support. We are also thankful that the work of the Lord continues. We celebrate this good news:

  • Ten Years and 1 million downloads:

Our evangelistic app – GodTools that helps you learn how to confidently share and explain to someone how they can begin a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, celebrated ten years of existence and 1 million downloads!

Whatch a short video about GodTools
  • Church-planting Potential:

The number of registrations to the annual Global Alliance for Church Multiplication conference for those involved with church-planting was ten times the face-to-face registrations due to it being virtual this year. So just under 4,000 people were able to be equipped to expand the church-planting work around the world.

  • New President For Our Ministry:

Steve Sellers was appointed by our Board of Directors as our new global president. Steve is a humble, godly man, and we are excited about his leadership.

However, since Marie has worked closely with Steve Douglass, the current president for the last several years, it is bittersweet. He has taught her much about leadership and being a spokesperson.

Steve and Christy Sellers
  • Please pray for:
  1. Steve Sellers, as he becomes the third president in the nearly 70-year history of our ministry.
  2. Our missionaries around the world to experience the Lord’s guidance despite the continued adjustments due to COVID-19.
  3. Kenneth, our son, as he applies to universities and scholarships.