Highlights and Lowlights of 2015

20151124_124846We want to wish you a very special 2016 in which you will experience the Lord in an even greater measure!

We look back at 2015 and have the following memories:

Highlights of 2015:

  1. Our wonderful visit to South Africa in June
  2. The growth of our children in so many areas of their lives
  3. Various opportunities to be a light in our community through our church and the school
  4. The Lord’s provision despite the big depreciation of our currency.

Lowlights of 2015:

  1. Marie’s car accident in January
  2. Struggles with a work permit issue
  3. Restructuring of Stefan’s team
  4. The death of Vonette Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade for Christ on 23 December at the age of 89. She served the Lord faithfully until her last breath. You can read more about her remarkable life on www.vonettebright.com

Prayers for 2016:

  1. That we will faithfully and joyfully serve the Lord
  2. For many people to come to know Jesus as their personal Saviour
  3. For the smooth completion of our green card application
  4. For God’s richest blessing on our partners, in each area of their lives.

Happy New Year!

Click here to see some recent photo’s